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Van Hoang Kha for AWS Community Builders

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AWS Cloud Financial Management - Part 2

In addition to the strategies mentioned in Part 1, there are more tools and techniques that can help with AWS Cloud Financial Management. Here are a few more:

Use AWS Trusted Advisor: AWS Trusted Advisor is a tool that provides recommendations for optimizing your AWS usage across five categories: cost optimization, performance, security, fault tolerance, and service limits. By implementing the recommendations provided by Trusted Advisor, you can improve your cloud infrastructure while reducing costs.

Use AWS Budgets: AWS Budgets is a tool that allows you to set custom cost and usage budgets for your AWS account. You can set up notifications to alert you when you are approaching or exceeding your budget, which can help you stay on top of your cloud costs.

Use Cost Allocation Tags: Cost Allocation Tags are a feature that allows you to tag your resources with custom metadata. By using Cost Allocation Tags, you can track usage and costs at a granular level and allocate costs to specific teams or projects.

Use AWS Cost and Usage Reports: AWS Cost and Usage Reports provide detailed billing data that can help you analyze your AWS usage and costs. You can use this data to identify cost drivers and optimize your usage.

Use AWS Savings Plans: AWS Savings Plans are a pricing model that provide savings on your AWS usage in exchange for a commitment to use a certain amount of compute usage over a one or three-year period. Savings Plans can provide significant savings compared to on-demand pricing.


AWS Cloud Financial Management is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring, analysis, and optimization. By using a combination of strategies and tools, organizations can effectively manage their cloud costs and optimize their usage. With AWS Trusted Advisor, AWS Budgets, Cost Allocation Tags, AWS Cost and Usage Reports, and AWS Savings Plans, organizations have a wide range of options for managing cloud costs and maximizing their investment in the cloud.

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