DEV Community

Avaneesh Kumar
Avaneesh Kumar

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Plans for Major League Hacking Hackathon 2022 Season

The hackathon season of MLH 2022 has begun with a bang at MLH INIT 2022. INIT is a celebration for the start of the 2022 Hackathon Season! While this is the first time they are running INIT, the format will feel familiar to those who have participated in MLH Local Hack Day. It is running from June 27th to July 5th 2021.

A couple of highlights of mine up to Day 4 are:

  • improved development speed
  • collaborated with other hackers and developed programs together
  • met one of the best and diverse hacker community who are sooooo welcoming.
  • developed over 10 projects in merely 3 - 4 days, from games like UNO on CLI to complex API calls and displaying recipes and recipe searches

INIT 2021 gave me reason to build projects fast and develop code quick. Not to mention, the great sessions held by MLH mentors. The amount of energy they get into the streams is immense. Overall, INIT 2022 has been one of my best experiences!

Moving on from INIT 2021, I wanted to blog down my plans for the upcoming season hackathon. So, after INIT, I realised that to rank higher at hackathons merely knowing how to code well was not enough, what was needed was teamwork, and knowledge in some other fields like finance, biology, chemistry or entrepreneurship.

So, my short term goals would be:

  • Understand concepts and problems faced in fields apart from coding like fintech and biotech.
  • Improve coding skills and learn better backend and security skills to make the code more fool-proof.
  • Secure top 30 at INIT 2022 😄 (still in top 50)

Long term goals:

  • Improve open-source contributions and develop open-source projects
  • Form a hackathon team to participate in major hackathons
  • Learn complex concepts and applications of Machine Learing and AI to improve solutions in hackthons

So, that would be my list of things to do for MLH 2022 Season. What is yours? Tell me in the comments!

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