DEV Community

Angelika Tyborska
Angelika Tyborska

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

Link Phoenix debug page stack trace to your editor

If you ever worked on a Phoenix app, you might have seen this debug page when an error is raised:

A debug page of a Phoenix app

Generating those debug pages when an error happens is a feature turned on by setting config :my_app, MyAppWeb.Endpoint, debug_errors: true, which can be found in config/dev.exs of a freshly-created Phoenix app. It actually comes from Plug.Debugger, not Phoenix itself (source).

# phoenixframework/phoenix - lib/phoenix/endpoint.ex#L419-L421
if var!(config)[:debug_errors] do
  use Plug.Debugger,
    otp_app: @otp_app,
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Plug.Debugger offers an option to generate links in the stack trace directly to your editor (source).

# elixir-plug/plug - lib/plug/debugger.ex#L80-L89
If a `PLUG_EDITOR` environment variable is set, `Plug.Debugger` will
use it to generate links to your text editor. The variable should be
set with `__FILE__` and `__LINE__` placeholders which will be correctly
replaced. For example (with the [TextMate]( editor):


Or, using Visual Studio Code:

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You will need to find out if your editor supports a custom URL scheme that will open files in it. In Plug.Debugger's code, there are examples for TextMate (txmt://open/?url=file://__FILE__&line=__LINE__) and Visual Studio Code (vscode://file/__FILE__:__LINE__).

I personally use RubyMine, which supports the scheme x-mine, which means I can build URLs like this: x-mine://open?file=__FILE__&line=__LINE__.

You can always try out if the custom scheme works for you by trying to open in your browser a link to a file that exists on your machine, e.g. x-mine://open?file=/Users/angelika/.gitignore&line=3

Once you figure out your editor's custom URL scheme and how to pass the file name and line number in that URL, you need to set the environment variable PLUG_EDITOR to that URL. Make sure to use __FILE__ as the file name placeholder and __LINE__ as the line number placeholder.

How to achieve that depends on your operating system and shell. On macOS, using bash as my shell, I needed to add this line to my ~/.bash_profile:

# ~/.bash_profile
export PLUG_EDITOR='x-mine://open?file=__FILE__&line=__LINE__'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Before restarting your Phoenix server to see the results, do not forget to reload the file (. ~/.bash_profile) in an existing shell session or just open a new session.


A gif showing a debug page in Phoenix and how clicking on a file name opens that file in RubyMine

When I click on the file name in the stack trace, that file opens in RubyMine, on the line that caused the error.

Top comments (1)

michaeljones profile image
Michael Jones

Thanks so much for sharing this! I've just managed to get it working with neovim with a bit of help from the custom protocol handling functionality in Firefox:

Great development flow :)