Here's a slightly modified issue template and pull request template I came up with. Based on Issue and Pull Request Template Generator.
Pull request template
*(Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above)*
## Detailed Description
*(Provide a detailed description of the change or addition you are proposing)*<br><br>
## Context
*(Why is this change important to you? How would you use it?<br>
How can it benefit other users?)*<br><br>
## Possible Implementation
*(Not obligatory, but suggest an idea for implementing addition or change)*<br><br>
## Your Environment
*(Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in)*
* Version used:
* Environment name and version (e.g. Chrome 39, node.js 5.4):
* Operating System and version (desktop or mobile):
* Link to your project:
Issue template
*(Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above)*
## Description
*(Provide a more detailed introduction to the issue itself, and why you consider it to be a bug)*<br><br>
## Expected Behavior
*(Tell us what should happen)*<br><br>
## Actual Behavior
*(Tell us what happens instead)*<br><br>
## Possible Fix
*(Not obligatory, but suggest a fix or reason for the bug)*<br><br>
## Steps to Reproduce
*(Provide a link to a live example, or an unambiguous set of steps to<br>
reproduce this bug. Include code to reproduce, if relevant)*<br>
1. Step 1
2. Step 2
## Context
*(How has this bug affected you? What were you trying to accomplish?)*<br><br>
## Your Environment
*(Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in)*
* Version used:
* Environment name and version (e.g. Chrome 39, node.js 5.4):
* Operating System and version (desktop or mobile):
* Link to your project:
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