DEV Community

What's your favorite question to be asked?

Ali Spittel on July 30, 2019

My favorite icebreaker question is "What's your favorite question to be asked?" because it really sparks relationships and further questions! So, what's yours?

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

"What's causing this segfault in my code?"

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim • Edited

"Why" questions.
Typically "why did do you do it this way?".

because they usually help me back-track & explain what happened.
(translated, they make me "think" 🧠)

kaelscion profile image
kaelscion • Edited

I'm high functioning autistic and the number 1 question i get asked when people find that out (usually a couple months after they meet me) is some variant of: "oh, is that why youre good at...?"

It used to really aggravate and insult me. But now, I use it as an excuse to be funny like "no, I was bitten by a computer that was mutated in a government lab" or "actually, I was exposed to a radioactive guitar and piano. Don't make me angry or I'll play freeform jazz..." 😁😁😁😝😝

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Fell into the toxic waste outside a banjo factory.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern • Edited

How can I make my website faster?

As long as they’re not looking for details on specific frameworks and more general principles, I know I have a lot to say!

kaushalgautam profile image
Kaushal Gautam

Would you consider writing more posts on that front, Ben? :)

ashleemboyer profile image
Ashlee (she/her)

I honestly really enjoy the "interesting fact" question because it gives me an excuse to talk about my three-legged pitbull. 🐕

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Sounds like a real trooper 😉

vickilanger profile image
Vicki Langer

😂 I see what you did there.

adnanrahic profile image
Adnan Rahić

I've done a lot of mentoring and teaching in the past and what most people ask me is the stereotypical:

"How do I become a senior developer like you?"

My responses may vary based on my mood for cracking a joke, but they always boil down to something like this...

"Forget about taglines, senior, junior, 10x freaking unicorn, or rockstar. It means absolutely nothing in the real world. What you should give a crap about is how to bring engineering back into the art of being a software engineer. Learn core concepts of algorithms and problem solving. Learn how to take responsibility for the code you write. Learn how to own it! Own your code and everything you do. Your job is not done until the code is running in production, and your customers have a fast, responsive and, most importantly, working app. Then you are an engineer, not just a coder."

☝️ That's the short version. 😄

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

Are you doing a lot of algorithms in your job?
I feel that the real problems I am solving involves "soft" skills much more than maths skills.

adnanrahic profile image
Adnan Rahić

Definitely! I like to train people's mindset. It doesn't get softer than that. Building their understanding of responsibility and understanding of how to be an engineer is more important than learning algorithms by heart. Learn how to solve problems. Learn how to communicate without exhibiting senseless ego and pride. That's what it's all about. ✌️

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

I love when I'm writing code, and people ask what I'm working on.

If I'm working on client projects, I get to then talk to them about the life of a software consultant, and how much more there is to development than just writing code.

If I'm working on anything else, I get to talk about the amazing OSS communities I'm involved in.

And in both cases, I get to try and teach the asker about the specific code I'm working on, and get to hopefully teach them something new (even if they're not programmers!)

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

So I am curious now: What do music and math have in common? :)

bergermarko profile image
Marko Berger

Client: "How much and how do you charge your code?"
Me: "60$ per meter" :)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Definitely feel like this deserves a post. I'd check it out for sure.

deleteman123 profile image
Fernando Doglio

Mine is "what if...", I actually love asking that question to myself as well. Those two words spark something in me, and my imagination goes wild.

rossdrew profile image

Would you like to do a PR?

wuz profile image
Conlin Durbin

Ooh I like this one! One of my favorite ice-breaker questions is really related - "What is one thing you wish people would ask you about more?"

My answer to yours is probably "What do you like to do in your free time?"

I'm a huge fan of picking up new hobbies and I love talking about learning new things, especially unrelated to tech.

ssimontis profile image
Scott Simontis

I love getting asked "Is that a WRX?" so I can ramble on about my favorite moneypit for a while!

mjb2kmn profile image
MN Mark

"How do computers actually work?"
"How does the internet work?"
"How do (internal combustion) engines work?"
Any of those will get me talking and grabbing for something to draw diagrams on.
Sadly, most people want the 30 second answer, not the 30 minute answer.

jmcp profile image
James McPherson

For the infernal combustion engine:

It's all based on harnessing the power of micro-explosions. This is why 
Hollywood *loves* the "car rolls over and catches on fire" trope - the
writers can claim "hey, it was already exploding, we just made it watchable!"
j_mplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

Even tho there isn't a day where someone ask/talk about it, my favorite question to be asked is "How tall are you?". My unusual height is a very good ice breaker. It's a great way to stand out (no pun intended) from the rest and a very effective to be remembered.

saulojoab profile image
Saulo Joab

"How did you do that?"

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

I will read it if you write it in Brazilian Portuguese too :)

mferrier profile image

What are your salary expectations? =D

cathodion profile image
Dustin King

That's the worst!

mferrier profile image

This is why it's my favourite ^

kayis profile image


Joke aside, I don't really know...

Somehow I'm most happy when I'm asking the questions.

How do you feel?

What do you do for fun?

What do you do for a living?

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Okay that was unexpected, but very interesting! Thanks for revealing :)

Thread Thread
jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

The most interesting part for me is that good music has a lot to with "natural numbers" (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...) and not continuous values.
A chord that sounds right have a simple relation between the notes: 1/12 3/12 6/12
Also if you do the differential physic equation behind the sound of a Piano or a Harpsichord, you can see the natural numbers behind them that makes us feel that the piano has a richer sound

Waiting for your article graciano

kumbi profile image
Kumbi Madzinga

Not really an icebreaker, but a low gear shift on stock questions when I'm not up for "networking" networking...

Person: "What do you do?"
Me: "I'm a rodeo clown. You?"

lcoenen profile image
Loïc Coenen

Tabs or space?

sebbdk profile image
Sebastian Vargr

I am Danish, we just start randomly talking about the weather, it works.

grodier profile image
George Rodier

What is something you are interested in learning next?

I have such a long list and am so excited about so many things. It's a vague question, but one that I could discuss for hours.

chris_bertrand profile image
Chris Bertrand • Edited

How do you always look so handsome, on a Monday morning? 😋

willsheppard profile image
Will Sheppard

If the universe is so big, and there are so many planets, then where are all the aliens?

_prateekbh profile image
Prateek Bhatnagar

"So you're the one who broke the code in X product right? 🙈"

johnhalsey profile image
John Halsey

"Would you like a pay rise?"

tamouse profile image
Tamara Temple

"Can you explain this to me?" tied with "I'm stuck on this problem, can you help me?"

mucio profile image

Why my query is slow?

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

Ah ah ah, this is so great.
I discovered recently the power of asking simple questions, but this one beat them all.

risavkarna profile image

Can we take it a step further?

Yes we can! I had to painfully smother myself because going further ahead was out of scope this sprint.

bittnkr profile image

What is missing?

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

"Why don't you just copy and paste the code from the other page so the issue would get fixed and you won't spend too much time on it?"

seanolad profile image

It doesn't work... why?, it works... why?

fdrobidoux profile image
Félix Dion-Robidoux

"What's the most underrated language?"

And to that, loudly and with confidence, I answer "SmallTalk" !

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang

What do you want to eat? 🐷🐷🐷

yashwanthambati profile image

How do I start creative coding and further deep understanding??

architectak profile image
Ankit Kumar

How my code suddenly started working without touching it?

danjconn profile image
Dan Conn

I connected to the production database and now it looks like all the data has disappeared.... How do I get it back?

(Mainly because we have lots of backups)!

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

Do you have a second name?

Yaz, I love my second name xD

waiterdeveloper profile image

Are you happy yourself?
Is simple question but very deeply for mindfulness

thorstenhirsch profile image
Thorsten Hirsch

Which of your projects are you most proud of?

But I also like to talk about music. :-)

kendalllink profile image
Kendall Link

What problem is this solution trying to solve?

arashmidos profile image

how be professional in architect design of application faster?

jmcp profile image
James McPherson

I reckon that's a rather rude question, actually. Especially if it came up in an interview.

loujaybee profile image
Lou (🚀 Open Up The Cloud ☁️)

"Got any cool projects on the go?"

Leaves people to answer work related, not work related, anything.

Much better than "what do you do?" etc...

etampro profile image
Edward Tam

"Are you are PEY or a Co-op?"

(Toronto joke ... PEY is a 16-month internship program in UofT, Co-op is a 4-month internship program from U of Waterloo, and I am 30yo)

burlahitesh profile image
Hitesh Burla

What are you up to these days?

metalmikester profile image
Michel Renaud

Funny thing is that this is the first thing that came to mind for me too. lol

nekofar profile image
Milad Nekofar

What are we doing here? 🤷‍♂️

ajinspiro profile image
Arun Kumar

"How old are you ?"
I love it when people go crazy when they hear my answer.

metalmikester profile image
Michel Renaud

I usually reply "49 going on 90".

richardeschloss profile image
Richard Schloss

"How is your day?" (but only if the person asking it really means it)

moe23 profile image
Mohamad Lawand

"Do you know cobol?"

daedtech profile image
Erik Dietrich

"What makes you say that?"

I enjoy explaining my reasoning about things, but am not a fan of foisting it on people, unprompted.

sunflower profile image

What is the earliest time you can start working?

dragosnedelcu profile image
Dragos Nedelcu


willsheppard profile image
Will Sheppard • Edited

Why is my code not working?

Or even better:

Why is my code intermittently not working?

dotmido profile image
Mohammed Z. Mustafa

How come this specific line of code is not working?! 😩

jel111 profile image

What do you want for breakfast?