I’m here to share a story about my laziness and how avoiding just 2 hours of work cost me dearly.
Back in 2021, I created a simple yet incredibly helpful tool for YouTube creators. It only took me 2-3 hours to develop, but it lacked a minor functionality that I figured I’d add in a future update.
Fast forward to 2022, the tool went viral. Hundreds of thousands of creators started using it, but it still lacked that one feature. Despite its popularity, I kept postponing the update.
It wasn’t until last week that I finally had some time to add the missing functionality. It took me just 2 hours, and almost immediately, I noticed a significant spike in users.
Many users had been avoiding my tool solely because it lacked that one feature. In just the past 5 days, I’ve seen a 35% increase in users on my site, all due to that particular function.
Now, I feel incredibly foolish for not doing this 2 years ago.
I’m sharing this so you can learn from my experience and maybe feel better about your own procrastination moments. 😅
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