So far I'm able to pull the config-repo files from gitlab using simple username/password in my local system and it works well. Now I'm moving stuffs to AWS-ECS(Fargate).
profile works well, but I want to use git-uri
and for that I must provide credentials to connect.
profiles: dev
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I am able to resolve this.
Create a new Policy named GetParameters and attach it to current task role.
IAM -> create policy -> select 'System Manager' as service -> 'GetParameters' as Action(read type only) -> all Resources and create policy.
Go to Systems Manager -> Parameter Store for storing sensitive details as SecureString.
Go to Task -> Container Definitions -> Environment Variables: provide
The value should be in the form for arn:aws:ssm:::parameter/name
GITLAB_USERNAME, ValueFrom , arn:aws:ssm:::parameter/dev/my-config-server/GITLAB_USERNAME
GITLAB_PASSWORD, ValueFrom , arn:aws:ssm:::parameter/dev/my-config-server/GITLAB_PASSWORD
As per convention Name should be in the form of ///
And that's it. You are done. Wait for task to be provisioned and config-server would be able to connect to your remote repo.