DEV Community

Discussion on: 3 Insanely Simple Steps To DIY Tooltips

ashleyjsheridan profile image
Ashley Sheridan

Not all keyboard users are screen reader users, so aria won't help them. For example, somebody with Parkinson's or a broken wrist might be using a keyboard as they struggle with a mouse or similar pointing device. For these users, using focus styles can mean the tooltip is available to them.

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vishnubaliga profile image
Vishnu Baliga

I completely agree with you.

It's up to the developer to decide who is the targeted audience, It is very simple to achieve this as well, along with :hover he needs to define :focus as well.

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ashleyjsheridan profile image
Ashley Sheridan

I think in terms of accessibility, it's not about who we think our target audience is, but about making sure we're not discriminating against people because we thought they aren't our audience. Like you said, simply using :focus to trigger the display of the tooltip should resolve its visibility for those. But there might be some other edge cases where testing with a screen reader should be done too.