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Ashish donga
Ashish donga

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12 javascript pro snippet codes for everyday problems😎😎

level up your javascript skills with these pro snippet codes

in this post i will share 12 javascript snippet codes for your daily life probelm. it will be your toolbox that you can freely use in your javascript project

1. Search Object in Array

you can search an object in array using js find() method below is snippet code example

// search object in array
let data = [

let emp = data.find(data => === 'pizza')
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2. String Reversing

this snippet code will show you how to reverse a string without using a loop

var reverse = (data) => {

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3. concatenate lists

now you don't need to use functions and loops to merge many lists into one. you can use js built in concat() method. check out the below code example.

let arr1 = [10,20,30]
let arr2 = [40,50]
var arr = arr1.concat(arr2)
console.log(arr) // [10,20,30,40,50]
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4. capture right click

this simple snippet code will capture the right click of th mouse on a web browser

window.oncontextmenu = () => {
    console.log("right click i pressed!")
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5. smart data filteration

filter your data with javascript built in filter method this comes in handy when you had a large amount of data in form and want to filter some elements from it

var data = ["football","soccer","cricket","basketball","hockey"]
var filterd_data = data.filter(data => data.length < 8)
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6. looping keys and values

another useful snippet code to iterate keys and values of dictionary data. we are going to use the forEach method for this task

let data = { javascript:1, Dart:2, Java:3};
Object.keys(data).forEach((key,values) => {

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javascript 1
Dart 2
Java 3
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7. find index of array element

now you don't need to iterate the whole array to find an index of any element. make your life easier by taking a loop at the below snippet code

var num = [9,8,4,2,8,0,3,8]
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8. check string is uppercase

this is a simple snippet that will help you to check whether a sting is uppercase or lowercase

const checkUpper = string => string === string.toUpperCase();
console.log(checkUpper("Hello")) // false
console.log(checkUpper("LEARN")) // true
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9. built in sorting

sorting is a common problem og every programming language. in javascript you can use the sort() method to sort any list of elements

var num = [9,8,4,2,8,0,3,8]
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10. handle errors in js

error is always a headache in programming to handle errors in javascript you can use the try/catch statment. checkout the below syntax

//error handling
    //code block to try
    //code block to handle error
    //code block to be executed regardless of the try and catch results
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11. Destructing assignment

you can use destructing method to unpack the array values and assign them to other variables. check out the below example code

let data = ["haider","22","50000","web developer"]
let [name,age,salary,profession] = data
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12. slicing array

this is another snippet code that will slice your array without using any loop. the syntax for slice is slice(startIndex,endIndex)

let array = [10,12,13,14,15,16]
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final thoughts

well that is for this 12 javascript pro snippet codes article i hope you find this article helpful and fun to read, feel free to share your valuable response and don't forget to share this article with developer friends happy coding!

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