Hi everybody, today I am going to show examples of few important Javascript functions.
JavaScript allows you to deep copy an object by converting it into string and then back into object.
Here is an example:
const deepCopy = (obj) => {
Javascript can do a ship with a setTimeout function,
but it does not return a promise object, making it hard to use in async functions. So, we have to write our own wait sleep function.
Here is an example:
const wait = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const asyncFunction = async() => {
await wait(1000);
Intersection Observer
You can check if an element is visible at viewport.
I am going to make use of intersectionObserver()
to check if an element is visible in the viewport.
const callback = (entries) => {
entries.foreach((entry) => {
entries.forEach((entry) => {
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
//enter target in dom element.
//e.g entry.target.classList.add('animated');
console.log(`${entry.target} is visible`);
const options = {
threshold: 1.0,
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options);
const btn = document.getElementById('.btn');
const bottomBtn = document.getElementById('.bottomBtn');
Customize the behavior of the observer using the option parameter. threshold is the most useful attribute.
It defines the percentage of the element that
needs to be visible in the viewport of the browser trigger.
you can toggle the visibility of an element using the style. visiabilty property and in case you want to remove it from the render flow, you can the style.display property.
Here is an example:
const hideElement = (element, removeFromFlow = false) => {
(element.style.display = 'none') :
(element.style.visibility = 'hidden');
Easy search of parameters from a URL objects.
Here is an example:
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const paramterValue = url.searchParams.get("pramaName");
Use navigator.UserAgent to detect the device running the app.
Here is example:
const dectectDeviceType = () =>
/Andriod|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(
) ?
"mobile" :
If you dont remove an element from the render flow , it will be hidden , but its space will be occupied. it is highly useful while rendering long list of elements.
The elements not in view can be tested using IntersectionObserver Can be hidden to provide a performance boost.
Top comments (18)
You should not use JSON.stringify to clone object. It leads to problems because it can't strinigfy functions,symbol etc.
Just use lodash. Or write your own deep cloning algo. Or when using the browser you can use structuredClone (there are some limits too).
Node.js 17.0.0 added structuredClone(value[, options])
Before that use v8.serialize(value) and v8.deserialize(buffer).
Then there is flatted which adds recursive references and
on top of JSON (still no functions, symbols, etc.).noted. thanks
noted. thanks
"And you can google any of these if needed." reading relaxed me instantly.
Thank you and I would like to add, that creating a clone with JSON object (with parse and stringify) has some limitations! It will not work with every object.
It's also important to remember that
cannot copy functions, so the "deep copy" only works for regular data types and objects.hhahahhahah. what work, works
wow, thanks, it's really helpful for me :)
love that reply, thank u.
These seem useful. Thanks for posting!
you are welcome
That's good too hear. I like your attitude. No offense. Might have misread your comment.
Bro, you're a bit harsh. Though I would agree that title looks like a clickbait.
I dont mind criticism. Its ok
You're opened minded. Much respected!