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Cover image for Wordle Game Built using FARM Stack - MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV
Arslan Sarwar
Arslan Sarwar

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Wordle Game Built using FARM Stack - MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV

What I built

Popular Wordle Game using FARM (FastApi, React, MongoDB) Stack

Category Submission:

(Think Outside the JS Box)

App Link

Wordle Game


Wordle Game
Create Game Grid
Tile Animations
Keypad Components
Show Modal


You have to guess 5 letters word in maximum 6 turns.

How to Play:

  1. Submit word by pressing Enter after adding 5 letters.
  2. Press Backspace to remove the letter.
  3. You can't repeat the words during multiple guesses.
  4. You have to submit exact 5-letter word.

Word Hints:

  1. Tile gets green if letter is at the right place.
  2. Tile gets yellow if letter is in the word but not at right place.
  3. Tile gets gray if letter is not in the word.
  4. All the used letters are printed on the keypad with colors (green, yellow, gray) as well.

Link to Source Code

Source Code

Permissive License

(MIT License)


(What made you decide to build this particular app? What inspired you?)
Being non-native english speaker, I love this game. It challenges me for my english vocabulary. I play this game a lot. I always work in JS Stack. But this hackathon motivated me to try another stack outside JS. So, I built this game using FARM stack.

How I built it

(How did you utilize MongoDB Atlas? Did you learn something new along the way? Pick up a new skill?)
I stored all the words for my game in the MongoDB Atlas Database. I learned how to use MongoDB with Python. I learned FastApi and Python during this hackathon.

Frontend --> React
Backend --> FastApi
Database --> MongoDB Atlas
Deployment --> Vercel

Additional Resources/Info

Game Demo

Article on FARM Stack by MongoDB

Youtube Video on FARM Stack by MongoDB

MongoDB Integration with Vercel by MongoDB

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