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Can technology save the world from itself?

Can technology save the world from itself? Many hoped and dreamed about this, and we believe it even more because we are software developers. Tech for good is growing in popularity, and innovative industries could disrupt the system significantly over the next five years.
Net-zero carbon balance refers to the stage at which greenhouse gases can be neutralized by permanent and complete elimination.
The Paris Agreement requires states to 'achieve an equilibrium between anthropogenic emission by sources and removals from sinks of greenhouse gasses in the second half-century.'

The industries and the Tech for good

McKinsey published a recent study that stated that advanced technologies were crucial for preventing or slowing climate change. The IT industry has been rapidly developing these technologies. Five areas of tech development are highlighted in the study that gives hope that the net-zero balance will not be too far off in the future.

  • Electric transport, buildings, and (we might even add - Industry4.0)
  • The next green revolution in Agriculture
  • power grids for clean electricity.
  • hydrogen promises the future
  • Carbon capture, Use, and Storage

While the main objective of every business is to develop and scale, the greater interest is in sustainable scaling. It's not just about doing business. It's also about culture and the social impacts that any company has, both internally and externally. Collective social involvement is essential to achieve the goals. Tech for good offers many benefits beyond the ability to live in a cleaner, better-quality environment. Why spend when you can save?
Software development companies are significant players in the sustainability movement. Companies keen to focus on green initiatives will find it essential to develop innovative solutions that help the environment. After making the decision, you can choose the right technology to suit your business.

Get innovative today!

Let's look at the five above areas from a technical perspective, coming from a software development company. We are talking about smart farming and intelligent forestry, or innovative embedded systems for Domotics, for city projects integrating light systems and intelligent transportation.
The automotive industry is more and more in line with the current electrification trends. It designs advanced command and control solutions to critical components like powertrains, converters, belt-starter generators, and battery management systems for hybrid or "full" electric cars.
Future cities will use innovative transportation, light, and waste management technologies. This will make the world a more sustainable place. In the larger picture of a greener future, it is essential to consider projects such as Domotics that balance comfort with more responsible electricity use.

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