DEV Community

Arkaprabha Halder
Arkaprabha Halder

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Conquering Tech Interviews: Deep Dives

The interview grind can be intense! To help you prepare, I'm sharing key questions I encountered on:

JavaScript: Event Loop, Hoisting, Scopes (and the memory management trap of a large global scope!)
Node.js: Dive deeper into the Event Loop, explore caching strategies, and understand security concepts like CORS, CSRF, and popular logging packages. Master the Express framework and grasp streams, child processes, clustering, and worker threads.
MySQL: Conquer joins, stored procedures, storage engines (MyISAM vs InnoDB), indexing, and views.
MongoDB: Unleash the power of the aggregation pipeline, replication for high availability, horizontal vs vertical scaling, understand the OpLog, and optimize queries with sharding.
Lambda: Master serverless with Lambda functions - understand their limitations and use cases.
API Gateway & DynamoDB: Explore API Gateway and differentiate between DynamoDB scans and queries.
SQS & Security: Understand Standard vs FIFO queues, Dead Letter Queues, and security with TLS and WAF.
S3 & CDN: Utilize S3 buckets with putObject/getObject methods, explore Presigned URLs (including drawbacks), and leverage the benefits of a Content Delivery Network.
*Serverless Framework: * This powerful tool helps build and deploy serverless applications on AWS. Refer to their documentation for specific serverless.yml syntax.

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