In this tutorial, we will style a React app with the Emotion library as an example of using CSS-in-JS.
We will be styling a travel app that features three hotel cards. Each card contains a main image, title, description, and buttons prompting the user to view more details about the hotel or book a room.
We shall set up Emotion and use the CSS-in-JS syntax to apply styles to an existing React app.
Here is how our final product will look like:
For now, the React app will just be a static website, as the focus is to learn how to apply CSS-in-JS to a React app.
Let’s get started!
Download the Starter Code:
Project Setup
From the root of the starter-code folder, run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:
npm install
Next, start the app with the following command:
npm start
Since its a react application, you should see the following un-styled React app in the browser at localhost:3000.
In our application above, there are some issues such as that the logo is oversized and the cards are sitting vertically on top of each other. You can now begin to style the React app with CSS-in-JS with the Emotion library.
Installing the Packages
We have two two primary ways of using Emotion: framework-agnostic or specifically with React.
The_ @emotion/css_ package is framework agnostic and the simplest way to use Emotion. It is the recommended way to use Emotion with a non React app.
To install the Emotion library for a React app run the following command on the terminal
npm i @emotion/react
When the package has finished installing, start the server with the following command:
npm start
We re now ready to use CSS-in-JS to style the app with the Emotion library!
The CSS Prop
The css prop allows you to style elements. It can support an object or a tagged template literal which can be demonstrated by styling the , logo and the that contains all of the hotel cards. Each card consists of the main image, title, and description from our hotels array along with the buttons a user can click on to learn more or book.
At the top of the starter-code/src/App.js file, import the css prop from emotion. Include the comment /** @jsxImportSource @emotion/react */ at the top of the file when using Create React App 4. This comment informs Babel to customize the automatic runtime import.
/** @jsxImportSource @emotion/react */
import { css } from "@emotion/react";
We can now now use the css prop to style your tags.
Copy the , logo and the container in the return statement below and paste it over the current ,
and elements in App.js.
function App() {
return (
color: "#03045e",
background: "#caf0f8",
height: "1200px",
fontFamily: "helvetica",
display: absolute;
margin-top: 15px;
margin-left: 15px;
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
gap: 15px;
padding: 20px;
@media (max-width: 900px) {
display: grid;
export default App;
*Object Styles *
The element uses an object with style object styles and values. Instead of writing CSS properties in kebab-case, like regular CSS, you write them in camelCase. Notice properties are separated by a comma. Object styles are especially helpful because you don’t need a CSS call like with string styles but object styles can also be used with styled components.
color: "#03045e",
background: "#caf0f8",
height: "1200px",
fontFamily: "helvetica",
String Styles
The css prop also used tagged template literals to style the and
). Notice the css properties are written in kebab-case and separated by a semicolon.<img
display: absolute;
margin-top: 15px;
margin-left: 15px;
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
Styled Components
The Emotion library has a package called @emotion/styled, which gives us access to styled, that allows you to create components that have styles attached to them. It is similar to css prop except it is called with an HTML tag or React component.
To install the styled package from the Emotion library, stop the server, and run the following command:
npm i @emotion/styled
In the empty starter-code/src/styles.js file, Create a CardWrapper component that will style each individual hotel card in the hotels array found in App.js.
At the top of the styles.js file, import styled from the @emotion/styled package. Beneath that, create a CardWrapper component that will be used to style each hotel’s container
.import styled from "@emotion/styled";
export const CardWrapper = styled.div`
width: 250px;
height: 325px;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 15px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
@media (max-width: 900px) {
width: 400px;
Note that you are exporting the CardWrapper component so that it can be used it in the App.js file.
At the top of the App.js file, import CardWrapper from styles.js. Next, change the container
for each hotel to a CardWrapper component.import { CardWrapper } from "./styles.js";
{ => {
return (
<CardWrapper key={}>
<img src={hotel.src} alt={hotel.alt} />
This is the result:
Now, build out styled components to be used for each hotel’s image, text container, title, description, buttons container, and buttons in styles.js. This is also an excellent time to experiment with your own styling.
// styles.js
export const CardWrapper = styled.div`
export const ImageWrapper = styled.img`
object-fit: cover;
width: 100%;
height: 60%;
border-radius: 15px 15px 0 0;
export const TextWrapper = styled.div`
padding: 10px;
height: 50px;
export const TitleWrapper = styled.h2`
margin: 0;
font-size: 20px;
export const DescriptionWrapper = styled.h3`
margin-top: 5px;
font-size: 14px;
color: #023e8a;
export const ActionsWrapper = styled.div`
margin-left: 10px;
padding: 10px 0;
display: flex;
export const Button = styled.button`
width: 100%;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-top: 4px;
border: 0;
border-radius: 15px;
box-shadow: 0 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);
padding: 10px 0;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.25s cubic-bezier(0.02, 0.01, 0.47, 1);
&:hover {
box-shadow: 0 15px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16);
You will now need to import these at the top of App.js file and then change the JSX to use these styled components.
import {
} from "./styles";
{ => {
return (
<CardWrapper key={}>
<ImageWrapper src={hotel.src} alt={hotel.alt} />
In the browser, you should now see the following:
*Composition *
Great, the app styling is nearing completion! You probably want to distinguish between the buttons prompting the user to learn more or book a hotel. You can use composition to create variants.
At the bottom of styles.js file, create a PrimaryButton component and a SecondaryButton component that will style the Button component. To do this we just wrap the Button component in the styled() constructor.
You no longer need to export the Button component so you can remove the export keyword.
const Button = styled.button`
export const PrimaryButton = styled(Button)`
background-color: #03045e;
color: #caf0f8;
export const SecondaryButton = styled(Button)`
background-color: #caf0f8;
color: #03045e;
Finally, you need to import these at the top of App.js file and then change the JSX to use these components. Notice that we remove Button from the import statement and added in PrimaryButton and SecondaryButton.
import {
} from "./styles";
This is the result on the browser:
*Theming *
The design is nearing completion. Now, suppose the design team decides that the primary color #03045e used in several locations throughout your app is too dark and they want to change it. This leads you to have to hunt through your app and change each occurrence, which might grow daunting as your app size grows. Theming to the rescue!
import styled from "@emotion/styled";
export const theme = {
colors: {
primary: "#03045e",
secondary: "#caf0f8",
tertiary: "#023e8a",
quaternary: "#fff",
fonts: {
primary: "helvetica",
fontSize: {
primary: "20px",
secondary: "14px",
export const CardWrapper = styled.div`
background: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.quaternary};
The you are going to implement at the top level of your app will give you access to props.theme in your styled components. Go ahead and apply the rest of the theming to your styled components.
export const CardWrapper = styled.div`
background: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.quaternary};
export const TitleWrapper = styled.h2`
font-size: ${(props) => props.theme.fontSize.primary};
export const DescriptionWrapper = styled.h3`
font-size: ${(props) => props.theme.fontSize.secondary};
color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.tertiary};
export const PrimaryButton = styled(Button)`
background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.primary};
color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.secondary};
export const SecondaryButton = styled(Button)`
background-color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.secondary};
color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.primary};
At the top of our App.js file, import the ThemeProvider object from @emotion/react as well as import theme from styles.js file. Add the at the top level of the application which accesses the theme object. This will make the theme property available to all components in the React app.
You can also update the css prop in the tag to use the theme object properties and values.
import { css, ThemeProvider } from "@emotion/react";
import logo from "./logo.png";
import {
theme, ...
} from "./styles"
function App() {
{/* Wrap the entire content in a <ThemeProvider> */}
return <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
css={(theme) => ({
color: theme.colors.primary,
background: theme.colors.secondary,
height: "1200px",
fontFamily: theme.fonts.primary,
If you have done things correctly the app should look identical to your previous work:
You can test this by making changes in the theme object and seeing the changes reflected in multiple locations in your app.
*Keyframes / Animation *
The last step is to add some animation to the app. You can define animations using the keyframes helper from @emotion/react. keyframes takes in a CSS keyframe definition and returns an object you can use in styles. You can use strings or objects just like css.
At the top of styles.js file, import keyframes from @emotion/react and then define a LogoSpin keyframe below the theme object.
import styled from "@emotion/styled";
import { keyframes } from "@emotion/react";
export const theme = {
export const LogoSpin = keyframes`
from {
transform: rotate(0deg);
to {
transform: rotate(360deg);
Finally, import the LogoSpin keyframe in App.js and update the JSX.
import {
} from "./styles";
animation: ${LogoSpin} 10s linear infinite;
Here is the link to the solution code . Check it out
That’s it! The logo should be rotating 360 degrees every 10 seconds.
Putting It All Together
In this tutorial, you learned how to use the Emotion library as an example of CSS-in-JS. You were able to create styled components, add styles to them, and use them in a React app. You learned how to create a theme object and apply styles to styled components. You also learned how to use the keyframes helper to add animation to your app.
Consider using Emotion in your next project to utilize CSS-in-JS. Happy coding!
Top comments (5)
Nice tutorial don't forget to add in syntax highlighting for the markdown code blocks. It will become more readable for users.
sure i willl
I've added the links to the GitHub links. I just realized i had not added earlier.