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Introduction to Django

Welcome to the world of Django!

Django, pronounced like JANG-go with a silent D, is a high-level web framework that is written with Python — one of the most readable and beginner-friendly programming languages. Django can be used to rapidly build complex database-driven websites. Like Python, Django is often considered to be strongly opinionated. An opinionated software has guidelines and defaults, such as code structure, project structure, for developing code. Django’s opinionated approach means specific ways of writing code and a steeper learning curve to apply the “Django philosophy“. However, it comes with advantages when onboarding new teammates to a project and debugging code because of how structured a Django project is.

Django is an open-source project, supported by the Django Software Foundation, and has a strong community of contributors. It has been used by many well-known data-heavy websites such as Instagram, Youtube, and Dropbox. In this lesson, we’ll create together our first Django app! More importantly, we’ll experience first-hand how its design helps to take applications from concept to completion using its “batteries included” approach.

What is a Web Framework?
Let’s first establish what it means when we say Django is a web framework.

Web frameworks are a type of software development tool that makes it easier and faster to develop web applications. They are a type of code library that provides code and patterns for database access, as well as templating systems for content. They promote code reuse, so we don’t have to write as much code to get a project running.

Some features most web frameworks include are:

  • URL routing
  • Input form management and validation
  • Templating engines for HTML and CSS
  • Database configuration
  • Web security
  • Session repository and retrieval

Out of the box, Django comes with an admin panel, a user authentication system, a database, and something called object-relational mapper (ORM) that helps a web application interact with a database. These are some of the “batteries” included in Django to help build projects faster without having to worry about which tools to use.

Later we’ll see how we can bootstrap a fully featured web application in only a handful of commands.

Here is the continuation of the code.
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