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Arika O
Arika O

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What's the worst advice for a junior developer?

After the last article, I think we got many valuable suggestions that each and every one of us could apply when starting out as developers (and not only). So, this time I am curious: what was the worst advice you ever received as junior developers or what do you believe is bad advice in general?

photo source: fauxels/ Unsplash
Maybe some of the previous advice resonates with you so you can read all about it here:

Top comments (9)

shiaondoorkuma profile image

It's okay to be a junior Developer

arikaturika profile image
Arika O

Care to expand on this one?

shiaondoorkuma profile image

When you call yourself a junior Developer,
this is what recruiters and companies see: โ€œHi, Iโ€™m desperately looking to get hired as a developer. Iโ€™m still new at this, but can you please please please place a bet on me and hope that I turn out to be an asset and not a liability for your company. Oh, and Iโ€™m also going to need a lot of help from your staff for the first 6 months!โ€

But, I AM a junior developer!โ€ฆ you say. If that is the case, then you will have better long term success if you focus on improving your skills to become an intermediate developer. Only then, you should start applying to jobs. Dedicate yourself full time on learning proper skills. This way, you donโ€™t pigeonhole yourself to the โ€œjuniorโ€ developer role that you brand yourself as. Remember, first impressions are important. By getting hired as a junior developer, you will have to spend a longer time getting out of that role than if you would have, if you spent a little more time getting comfortable calling yourself an intermediate developer and getting hired into that role right away.

But when would you know when you are not a junior developer?. You wonโ€™t. You will always feel like you donโ€™t know enough. You will always feel like others are smarter than you. This is called imposterโ€™s syndrome. Itโ€™s normal and every developer feels it. But here is a simple test for web developers: Can you explain to your family members how the internet works? How a computer works? How websites work? Do you have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS and Javascript so you can build your own websites? Do you know a little bit of React? Have you built a few projects on your own on Github and you are comfortable putting up websites and apps online? Good, then you are not a junior developer.

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shiaondoorkuma profile image

But I need a job right now! say. Stop that short term thinking. Unless your job involves you working with really smart people that you can learn from every day, on technologies that are relevant and current (few junior developer roles offer you this), your time would be better invested learning skills to get out of the junior mindset. Long term, you will earn more money, be with better developer teams, and you will be more likely to work for a company that teaches and letโ€™s you work with up to date technologies every day. Donโ€™t work on updating a Wordpress plugin as the resident junior developer of a law firm. That wonโ€™t help you long term.

If you apply for junior developer roles, the best case scenario: You become a junior developer.

If you apply for intermediate developer roles, the best case scenario: You become an intermediate developer.

Donโ€™t sell yourself short.

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shiaondoorkuma profile image
Shiaondo-Orkuma • Edited

Ps: this advice is from a senior developer who is currently mentoring me, I think it's worthy of note. I'm devoting my time to learn skills that will set me up for an intermediate role.
when I start applying eventually, I won't apply for junior developer roles.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Finding a job with a junior title on it.

arikaturika profile image
Arika O

What's the way to go about this one? I mean if you're a junior what kind of title the job you should look for has?

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Looking for a job that is without one. Ultimately it is what you can do matters demonstrate that you can do it helps a lot. If you are really unsure of yourself going for just a 3 mths internship will be alright as well.

rebaiahmed profile image
Ahmed Rebai

As a junior Developer, what' the best advice you can offer to me?