DEV Community

Ariel Mejia
Ariel Mejia

Posted on

Remove all git local branches except "main"

Working locally would tempt to acummulate a lot of git branches locally, most of the time we want to keep only the "main" branch, to execute this just run:

git branch | grep -v "main" | xargs git branch -D
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  • The first section git branch list all the branches locally.
  • grep -v "main" filter out from the output branches list the main branch
  • xargs git branch -D runs git branch -D to all the branch items inside the branch list

Happy Coding!

Top comments (6)

codycodes profile image
Cody Antonio Gagnon

Great to see how easy ‘xargs’ can make things!
Curious if there’s an easy way to also filter out other default branch names like “master”

viiik profile image

You can use grep -Ev 'main|master' the E adds "extended regex" and the main|master is regex for "main or master".

You can also add other regex patterns like "branches that begin with foo-" for example.

jeffwindhorst profile image

egrep for advanced regex.

eren_yeager_c1759662d1eae profile image
eren yeager


eren_yeager_c1759662d1eae profile image
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eren yeager

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