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Discussion on: DEV VS Hashnode VS Medium: Where Should You Start Your Tech Blog

areknawo profile image
Arek Nawo

I'd say start a personal blog - the best option for building a personal brand and optional monetization. Then, (eventually) cross-post your content for exposure to some or all of the platforms you've mentioned. That's what I'm doing with my personal blog and mainly, rarely other platforms. I've recently built a tool to make technical blogging and cross-posting easier. Check it out if you're interested.

ferluisxd profile image
Luis Vilca

Hello! It looks interesting, but I did not quite get what are the key differences between that and Notion

areknawo profile image
Arek Nawo

You can read more on CodeWrite here:

Basically, CW is focused exclusively on technical blogging - rather than being all-in-one tool like Notion.

This means that while it doesn't have as many formatting options or embeds as Notion, it comes with features that technical bloggers would appreciate. Good example is VS Code-level editor for code blocks with built-in Prettier integration for code formatting right in CW.

Also, with simplified set of Markdown features, CW allows for pretty much all formatting options you'd normally need, while being easy to convert to formats for different blogging sites. That's how the autofilling feature for, Hashnode, Medium, etc. is possible to be implemented.

I'm currently working on next version of CW - fixing bugs, separating the editor from the extension into dedicated web app, adding cross-device sync, collaboration features, content management and more. The end goal is the best editor for technical, code-related writing - both for individuals and teams. It'll take some more time, but I hope to get there.

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Oh I’ve tried using this tool but unfortunately it wouldn’t work for some reason. Whenever I clicked on the card to start a new article nothing happened.

Starting your personal blog is definitely the best option, but it’s not always the most convenient. I also have my personal blog and I cross post on the three platforms, but for some and especially for beginners it can be a hassle. Also, as I mentioned there are so costs to take care of which is not something everyone can do.

Tbh I think hashnode can work as a personal blog, even if just in the beginning. It has a lot of options that makes your blog as similar as a personal blog can be.

areknawo profile image
Arek Nawo • Edited

Oh, in this case, I recommend you check it out again. In the free tier, you can't create new articles but only edit the existing ones. Get into the one that's pinned, remove the whole content and go from there (up to 6000 characters with all code snippets, embeds, and images counted as one). Sorry for the confusion, it's MVP and I could have done a better job explaining this.

R.e. personal blog, I'm planning to write a guide on how to start one easily with GH Pages (if it'll be successful, then I might consider doing something similar for other platforms as well).

Yeah, Hashnode might be nice for beginners, but I feel like it's a bit limited.

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shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Oh I see I didn’t know that. I should check it out again then.

Yea I did a similar tutorial in the blog post I mentioned in the article

I think GH pages is a good option too