Functions are the building blocks of readable, maintainable, and reusable code. A function is a set of statements to perform a specific task.
🌟ForEach( ):
Iterate through entire elements in the list.
Use it when you need to scan all the elements and certain actions over individual elements.
List<String> perfumeBrand =
[ "claira", "Blue wales", "Vagas" ];
perfumeBrand.forEach((brand) => print(brand));
Blue wales
🌟Sort( ):
Sort the elements in the list.
Use it with the combination of the reversed() method to filter data in the list.
List<int> nums = [ 1-, 6, 8 ];
nums.sort( );
//Output ==> [-1, 6, 8]
List<String> number = [ "Four", "Six", "Two" ];
number.sort((x, y) => x.length.compareTo(y.length));
//Output ==> [Two, Four, Six]
🌟Skip( ):
Skips defined items from any List.
Use it when you need to remove any blacklisted element from an array of items (from your list).
int elementToSkip = 3;
List<int> elements = [1,2,3,4,5,6,];
List<int> skippedList = elements.skip(elementToSkip).toList();
//Output ==> [1,2,4,5,6,]
🌟ToSet( ):
Removes duplicates and iterates with the same items.
Use it when don’t need users having the same email address or if you need to add unique elements.
List<int> nums = [1,1,4,5,4,];
nums.toSet( ).toList( ).sort( );
//OUTPUT ==> [1,4,5]
🌟Any( ):
Scans the elements in the list & produces boolean output depending on the provided condition.
List<String> perfumeBrand =
[ "claira", "Blue wales", "Vagas" ];
perfumeBrands.any(brand) => brand.startsWith("B"));
//Output ==> TRUE
perfumeBrands.any(brand) => brand.startsWith("ht"));
//Output ==> TRUE
🌟Shuffle( ):
Arranges elements in a random order/ sequence.
List<int> nums = [2,4,6,8,10];
nums.shuffle( );
//Output ==> [10,2,6.4.8]
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