DEV Community

Discussion on: Developers: Mercenaries for hire?

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Arden de Raaij

Thanks for your reply David! From your posts I gather you put quite some thought in the state of software development, that's something I can value!

whenever I've sat down to figure out whether I've actually made things better the answer has always been yes.

That's nice. As I replied to Ben, I don't think everything I do and did always moved towards a better world. Some things just seemed to be a bit of a waste of resources. I've never felt too bad about it though, but I couldn't imagine doing that all the time.

I guess aligning values with sustainable work is the ultimate goal, but sometimes I have to settle with some of the values some of the time.

"Don't be evil" has always sounded weird to me, like something a parent with low expectations would tell their child.