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Rodolpho Alves
Rodolpho Alves

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Setting up Svelte and Tailwind... with minimal extra dependencies

In this post I'll show how to properly setup TailwindCss within a Svelte application. I'll show all the required dependencies and changes that should be made while maintaining a minimal number of additional dependencies and script changes.


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The basics are:

  1. Add tailwindcss + postcss-load-config to your dependencies
  2. Init tailwindcss.config + postcss.config
  3. Create a component to host tailwindcss and import that component into the App
  4. Change rollup's pipeline to run postcss
  5. Change build command to set NODE_ENV to production


Initial Setup

First and foremost we need to add all the required dependencies to our project. Run npm install tailwindcss postcss-load-config.

Those dependencies are needed for setting up tailwind itself and enabling us to load poscss configuration from a separate file.

After npm finishes download the dependencies run npx tailwindcss init to create the tailwind.config.js file.

Purging unwanted classes

In order for tailwind to know which classes are used we need to point it into the correct files. This is done by editing the tailwind.config.js file and telling it to take into account all .svelte and .html files we have.

This is done by the following snippet:

module.exports = {
  purge: [
           "./**/*.svelte",  // Look for .svelte files
           "./**/*.html" // Look for .html files
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  variants: {},
  plugins: [],
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Setting up PostCSS Config

Now create a new file called postcss.config.js. This file will hold all the PostCSS related configuration.

In this file you'll point out which plugins the postcss pipeline should use. The following snippet does that for the basic taildwindcss configuration:

module.exports = {
        plugins: [
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Importing Tailwind into the Application

Finally, importing tailwind into our App can be done in many ways, such as:

  1. Importing it from a .css file
  2. Importing it from within a styles tag
  3. Importing it from the styles tag of a specific component

I'll do it as a separate component with a global styles section. The following snippets creates the component that bootstraps tailwindcss:

/* Tailwind.svelte */
<style global>

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

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After the component is created all we need to do is import it into our App:

<script lang="ts">
        import Tailwindcss from './Tailwind.svelte';

// Omitting unrelated lines

<Tailwindcss />

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Cleaning up

This is optional, I guess you could keep the old styles if desired.

Delete the public/global.css file and its <link rel="stylesheet"> tag from index.html.

Enabling Postcss in Svelte's Rollup

Open up rollup.config.js and find the plugins > svelte section.

Here we'll point out that svelte needs to run some sort of preprocessing and we'll tell svelte which preprocessing should be executed.

The following snippet shows this allongside the default configuration:

export default {
        // Omitted for brevity
        plugins: [
                        // This tells svelte to run some preprocessing
                        preprocess: sveltePreprocess({
                                postcss: true,  // And tells it to specifically run postcss!

                        // Omitted for brevity

                // Omitted for brevity
        watch: {
                clearScreen: false
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Ensuring NPM builds for Production

If you run npm run build you'll see that the generated bundle.css is quite heavy. That's because, by default, the Svelte's build command doesn't set up NODE_ENV to production!

In order to fix this all we need to do is use the --environment options built into rollup.js to set the NODE_ENV variable to production whenever we run a build script.

To do this simply change the following line within your packages.json file:

"name": "your-svelte-app",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "rollup -c --environment NODE_ENV:production",    
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This will ensure every time npm run build is called it locally sets the NODE_ENV to production. This means it doesn't impact your hot reload experience at all!

Possible Impacts

Unlike the other methods I've seen on the internet this one doesn't seem to have any side effects on your build (for production) and hot reload experiences! 😀

Top comments (5)

justingolden21 profile image
Justin Golden

ReferenceError: sveltePreprocess is not defined

slgotting profile image

Install svelte-preprocess:

npm i -D svelte-preprocess

Then import sveltePreprocess at top of rollup.config.js file:

import sveltePreprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';

ardc_overflow profile image
Rodolpho Alves • Edited

hmm, this might be due to changes on the latest versions of Svelte. Did you manage to get past this error?

sonipranjal profile image
Pranjal soni

Thanks man! Got it worked

eboubaker profile image
B. Eboubaker • Edited

I am new to rollup i don't know how to quickstart it, Thank you really helped!