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Archit Prajapati
Archit Prajapati

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Why are Developers Planning to Shift from Angular to React

It is generally thought that most web developers would agree upon the fact that both Angular and React are open-source JavaScript frameworks and libraries for front-end development.

Due to the fact that Angular arrived much earlier in comparison to React, it has now become one of the most widely used programming languages to build the best web applications.

There are a number of other factors that worked in its favour, including Google’s support and trustworthiness, which helped the developers to resolve a number of issues related to the development of single-page applications, so the development of single-page applications became easier.

There were also many other advantages to using the app, such as the fact that it was a cross-platform app and that its data was synchronized automatically between the model and view components.

However, once React made it to the center of the stage, there was a tendency for the paradigm to change. Slowly and gradually, the developers drifted from Angular to React as React was much better than Angular in terms of speed, efficiency, view library, simple API, and lightweight components compared to Angular.

Further, Angular had a few drawbacks which caused a lot of problems and irritation for the developers and as a result, they looked for alternatives to Angular in order to solve their problems. You also can check angular vs react vs vue and choose the right framework for you.

Demerits of Angular:

The steep learning curve of Angular forced developers to look elsewhere. Additionally, it provided developers with different methods for accomplishing the same task, making it difficult for them to choose the best approach.

The use of Angular required JavaScript. In addition, MVC (Model View Controller) architectural patterns were also mandatory for developers, without which it can be very time-consuming.

Even though two-way binding can be beneficial, if we look at it in the larger context, it only creates more complexity and adversely affects web app performance.

Because the execution flow depends on DOM, it is difficult to test and debug.

More than 2000 watchers can drastically slow down the user interface.

React as a Alternative Option:

Developers have found that switching from Angular to React is one of the best options.

What makes React so special? As a result, React is basically a JavaScript library that Facebook uses to build user interfaces.

As a result, it can’t be called a framework. You can write self-contained components like Angular, but you can’t build single-page apps.

In contrast to Angular, it allows one-way data binding and encourages the use of virtual Document Object Models.
Additionally, it uses lifecycle methods to execute the code at set points in the event that a component fails.

Aside from that, it allows implementation of JSX, a very useful tool that helps in structuring the rendering of the component and makes use of syntax that is already well known.

Why Developers Consider React Better Than Angular:

  1. Building Blocks Flexibility

Developing blocks is the core of the React ecosystem. Additionally, it allows you to choose the building blocks you want to use to solve the problem. In addition to its simplicity and convenience, it also eases out the task of developers.

For example, you can remove Redux or MobX for state management. It is also possible to exchange the core building block.

To replace React, you can use libraries such as Inferno and Preact. JavaScript frameworks do not provide this feature in Angular.

  1. JSX

The React framework also comes with JSX, which is its own syntax for developing components.

With JSX, developers can blend elements of HTML and JavaScript, as well as implement inline styles. However, JavaScript is inlined with HTML and supports the development and manipulation of the DOM.

Aside from that, the JSX also lets you use JavaScript functionalities such as map and filter showing DOM nodes.

  1. Community Support

A major factor that drives developers to switch to React from Angular is the growing community across the globe.

Every day, new people join the team to build the blocks as well as experiment and come up with innovative ideas. Thus, the ecosystem is moving in a new direction.

Developers learn a lot from the other experienced campaigners in the community group, and they can also get help from the members if they get stuck.

  1. Quick and Efficient

There has been mention that React is more of a library than a framework. Rather than using the Document Object Model up front, you use the Virtual DOM layer. This speeds up development.

The React would diff on the Virtual DOM if you are continuously rendering, which means that it only updates the specific parts of the DOM that need to be updated.

In fact, the Virtual DOM is a wonderful feature to have at your disposal. This solution also addresses problems related to cross-browser compatibility.

It allows developers to use unified cross-browser APIs, even for old browsers like Internet Explorer 8.0.

  1. Component Based UI

There is no doubt that React fits well into the shoes of the component-based User Interface. In addition, it contributes to the modularization of the application by separating the concerns for each of the separate modules.

It is possible for you to create as well as test each component separately. Basically, React is a library to create a solution to a problem, offering a tool to make the problem into a solution.


Because of the single-way data flow method, those who are used to using Angular will find it difficult to switch to React.

As you practice its techniques, you would probably find it easier than Angular and enjoy building high standard user interfaces.

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