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Arafat Hossain Ar
Arafat Hossain Ar Subscriber

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Highlights from Laracon US 2024 Keynote

Key Announcements from Laracon US 2024 Keynote

The Laracon US 2024 keynote delivered by Taylor Otwell brought thrilling updates to the Laravel community. Here are the major highlights:

1. Laravel VS Code Extension

One of the most exciting announcements was the introduction of a dedicated Laravel extension for Visual Studio Code. This tool provides built-in features like enhanced autocomplete, inline diagnostics, and intelligent suggestions to speed up development and improve coding accuracy.

Laravel VS Code Extension

2. Concurrency Facade & defer() Helper

A powerful new Concurrency Facade was introduced, allowing developers to handle parallel task execution more efficiently. Alongside this, the new defer() helper will help offload time-consuming tasks to the background, making the app more responsive without complicated setups.

New Defer Helper


New Concurrency Facade


3. Inertia v2.0

Otwell also announced Inertia v2.0, bringing new features like asynchronous requests and prefetching, resulting in faster and more dynamic applications. This version helps developers build modern single-page applications (SPAs) without compromising speed and performance.


4. Laravel Cloud

Perhaps the most groundbreaking announcement was Laravel Cloud, a new platform designed to make app deployment effortless. This platform allows developers to deploy their Laravel applications with minimal configuration while offering built-in scalability and performance optimizations. Laravel Cloud promises to make the deployment process as simple as pushing code to a Git repository.

Laravel Cloud

5. Laravel Echo & WebSockets Updates

The updates also included improvements to Laravel Echo, enhancing real-time communication in applications. This brings better integration with WebSockets and makes it easier to develop applications with real-time features like notifications and live updates.


Laracon US 2024 highlighted Laravel’s continuing evolution, focusing on boosting developer productivity and improving application performance. The new VS Code extension, Concurrency tools, and Inertia v2.0 offer solutions for common development challenges, while Laravel Cloud provides a robust, easy-to-use deployment platform. These updates ensure that Laravel continues to empower developers to build faster, more scalable applications with less complexity.

For a detailed look at the announcements, visit the full article.

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