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10 FREE JavaScript Courses to Boost Your Skills!

JavaScript is a handy programming language for making websites interactive. Whether you're just starting or want to get better, there are lots of free online courses to help. Here's a list of 10 great courses that cover different parts of JavaScript, from the basics to more advanced stuff.

1. JavaScript Design Patterns

  • Course Link: JavaScript Design Patterns
  • What You'll Learn: This course teaches you how to organize your JavaScript code better. You'll learn about patterns like Module, Singleton, Observer, and Revealing Module. These help you write code that's easier to understand and work with.

2. JavaScript Promises

  • Course Link: JavaScript Promises
  • What You'll Learn: Here, you'll learn about promises, which are super helpful for dealing with things that take time in JavaScript. You'll see how to write cleaner code for tasks like loading data or making requests to a server.

3. JavaScript Testing

  • Course Link: JavaScript Testing
  • What You'll Learn: Testing is like checking if your code works properly. This course shows you different ways to test your JavaScript code using tools like Jasmine and Mocha. Testing helps you catch mistakes early and make sure your code does what it's supposed to.

4. Object-Oriented JavaScript

  • Course Link: Object-Oriented JavaScript
  • What You'll Learn: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a way to organize your code so it's easier to manage. This course teaches you how to use objects, classes, and other OOP concepts in JavaScript. It helps you write code that's more organized and reusable.

5. Intro to JavaScript

  • Course Link: Intro to JavaScript
  • What You'll Learn: If you're new to JavaScript, this course is perfect for you. It covers the basics like how to write JavaScript code, use different data types, and create functions. You'll get a solid foundation for learning more about JavaScript.

6. ES6 – JavaScript Improved

  • Course Link: ES6 – JavaScript Improved
  • What You'll Learn: ES6 introduced some cool new features to JavaScript that make coding easier and more fun. In this course, you'll learn about things like arrow functions, template literals, and classes. These features help you write cleaner and more modern JavaScript code.

7. Intro to AJAX

  • Course Link: Intro to AJAX
  • What You'll Learn: AJAX is a way to send and receive data from a server without refreshing the whole web page. This course shows you how to use AJAX with JavaScript to make your web pages more dynamic and interactive.

8. Asynchronous JavaScript Requests

  • Course Link: Asynchronous JavaScript Requests
  • What You'll Learn: Asynchronous programming is a bit tricky but very useful in JavaScript. This course dives into how to manage asynchronous tasks like loading data or making requests. You'll learn about things like callbacks and promises, which help you write code that doesn't get stuck waiting around.

9. JavaScript and the DOM

  • Course Link: JavaScript and the DOM
  • What You'll Learn: The DOM is like a map of your web page that JavaScript can read and change. In this course, you'll learn how to use JavaScript to interact with the DOM. You'll see how to find elements, handle events like clicks, and update content on your web page.

10. Website Performance Optimization

  • Course Link: Website Performance Optimization
  • What You'll Learn: Nobody likes a slow website! This course teaches you how to make your JavaScript-powered websites faster and more efficient. You'll learn tricks for reducing loading times, using fewer resources, and making your site feel snappy for users.

Also, Check- Udacity FREE Courses Python, SQL, Product Design, C++, and UI/UX


These free JavaScript courses are full of helpful stuff to help you become a better JavaScript developer. Whether you're interested in organizing your code better, learning new features, or making your websites faster, there's something here for you. So dive in, have fun, and get ready to level up your JavaScript skills!

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