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Abdou Ouahib
Abdou Ouahib

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Fullstack Ethereum Development Course

TLDR: Check out this playlist to learn how to build a Full-stack Ethereum dApp.

Hi everyone๐Ÿ‘‹

Web3/blockchain is one of the hottest topics right now, and a lot of developers want to get into this field. So if you're one of them, then keep reading.

I made a YouTube series where I build NFT Marketplace from scratch, and here are the steps I followed (what you will learn):

  1. Write the Ethereum smart contract using Solidity.
  2. Write integration tests for the smart contract, with the help of Hardhat.
  3. Deploy the smart contract to Rinkeby using Hardhat.
  4. Create and deploy a subgraph (The Graph protocol) to index the smart contract.
  5. Build a front-end using Next.js and Tailwindcss:
    • Use ethers.js to send Ethereum transactions (Create NFT, list NFT for sale, cancel NFT sale, buy NFT).
    • Use Apollo to query the subgraph GraphQL API endpoint and fetch NFT data.

The Tech Stack:

  1. Solidity for writing the smart contract.
  2. Hardhat as the Ethereum Development Environment.
  3. Typescript, Next.js and Tailwindcss for the front-end.
  4. Ethers.js for interacting with the blockchain from the front-end.
  5. The Graph protocol for indexing the smart contract.
  6. Apollo, both for querying the GraphQL endpoint, and as a CLI to generate Typescript interfaces for our queries.

The videos are heavily technical (lots of code), but I still explain everything I do, in detail.

Check out this playlist to start learning.
Here is the project repo.
And here's a hosted version of the dApp.

Happy coding!๐Ÿ˜‡

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