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Why use beacon technology for your business

Today, there are many ways to make the marketing part of your project effective. There is no need to invent something large-scale and complex because small, yet powerful ibeacon transmitters are already in use. You have probably received notifications when passing by local stores and often found useful information in them. These tiny devices can solve many problems of modern businesses and enhance positive user experience. In this article, we will focus on how tracking beacons work, why iBeacon technology is popular, and what businesses will benefit the most from using iBeacons.

Beacons are small wireless transmitters that send information to nearby devices. They work with Bluetooth 4.0 technology, which is low power consumption. The beacons are able to interact with devices within a radius of up to 70 meters. This feature helps the beacons win the marketing area due to high-precision location interaction.

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