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Discussion on: Why I Converted from Vue to React

anuraghazra profile image
Anurag Hazra • Edited

Okay let me go line by line and give my opinions :)

"What I mean is that JSX is not standard" ??

"If you look at Vue, it is essentially standard Javascript and HTML (with custom attributes)" - i don't think vue, sevlte, or angular's templates are in any ways valid html markup

"that can be understood by any web developer" - JSX is way simpler to understand than vue's template, if i ask you "how does Vue's v-for directive work" can you answer it in simple words? but if i ask you "How does jsx loops works" i can tell you the answer "JSX is javascript so we can just use to map out the childrens directly in the template"

"JSX on the other hand is this weird and unfriendly mix of HTML and Javascript in the same code block." - JSX isn't a mix of HTML or js its Just javascript. it represents Tree like structures and we use it to build up the virtual dom.

"I just don't like JSX cause it looks terribly ugly." - well, personal preference :D

That's all. :)

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pauloevpr profile image
Paulo Souza • Edited

Needless to say it all comes down to preference since you could use any of these frameworks to build most web apps.

JSX is not just Javascript since it has markup in it and there is special syntax to separate markup from the actual js code. If it were just Javascript, it wouldn't need a special compiler in the first place. This is more than obvious.

Anyway, tools are just tools. Languages are just languages. Pick whatever gets the job done.

Javascript will die some die, just like Vue and React will die too, just like the almighty Jquery is dying just now.

As a developer, what matters to me is to spend my time getting the job done rather than advocating in favor of a particular framework.

Btw, I develop frontends using Angular, React, Vue, XAML, Blazor and vanilla javascript/html. As I said, they are nothing more than tools.