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Modeling exercise for 7 apps.

I came up with the idea that I can train my modeling skills just by modeling apps first. Sort of a form of an intensive deliberate practice.

Let's get to it:

TH app

  • Goal:
    • Train the ability to recognize if the word has voiced or voiceless TH sound.


- Show one word out of a list of words iteratively.
- Ability to answer with key events. Left means voiceless, right means voiced.

Full Blown App:

- Show a list or results at the end.
- Randomize the list of words.
- The ability to get the words from a text from a website

Model for MVP:

-- Model

type TH
    = Soft
    | Hard

type Correctness
    = Correct
    | Incorrect

type alias Model =
    { words : List String
    , answer : Maybe TH
    , correctness : Maybe Correctness

Full Blown Model:

To make it to the end I need to add the state of two pages Playing and Results. I also want to keep the results and show a table with them.

-- Model

type TH
    = Soft
    | Hard

type Correctness
    = Correct
    | Incorrect

type State
    = Playing
    | Results

type alias Result =
    ( TH, Correctness )

type alias Model =
    { words : List String
    , answer : Maybe TH
    , correctness : Maybe Correctness
    , state : State
    , results : List Result

Breathing app.

  • Goal:
    • I have a long list of different breathing exercises.
    • They work best if you do them one after another.
    • The problem the instructions are in Russion, so I need to translate it first. I'll put in on gist later. I think I maybe even have the translation somewhere already.

MVP: Box breathing. This is going to be the mvp version. This app is great. Take a peak at it.


-- Model

type State
    = TimingState
    | BreathingState
    | TheEndState

type alias Model =
    { inhale : Inhale
    , inhalePause : InhalePause
    , exhale : Exhale
    , exhalePause : ExhalePause
    , duration : Duration
    , state : Timings

-- There is going to be three states:
-- 1) Choosing the timings
-- 2) The actuall breathing
--    - There is gotta be some pause button during that process
-- 3) The end state.

-- Four views:
-- 1) inhale    has a min 3 sec
-- 2) inhale pause
-- 3) exhale    has a min 3 sec
-- 4) exhale pause
-- 5) the overall duration. Min 2 min - max 60 min.

-- All of the fields can have different time length.

-- each of the above has a length in seconds
-- a checkbox for making the thing move synchroniously.

Note app. More on that app here

  • Goal:
    • To experiment with taking notes.


  • Two columns. The first one has an input filed the other shows the output.

Whack-a-mole game.


  • The game itself.


-- Model

type alias Model =
    { holes : List Hole
    , random : Int -- for randomization.
    , points : Int -- for keeping score
    , numberOfAttempts : Int -- If the player is fast will he have more attemps.

-- What will the duration be based on?
-- I think it should be based on time.
-- a fast player will have more attempts.

-- What about levels? For now I will ignore that aspect.

type Hole
    = Empty
    | Full -- the mole is in the hole

At first the model looked simple after I gave more thought to it I came up with this model.



- A cloock with a seconds hand.

Finished version:

- The clock itself with hours, minutes and seconds hands.


-- Model

type alias Model =
    { seconds : Seconds } -- the rest will be similar with just different timings

type alias Seconds =
    { seconds : Time.Posix
    , svgPosition : { x, y } -- x the center of the circle, and y will be the end
                             -- of the hand and will tell the angle.

Arabic English chatroom

  • Goal:
    • A chatroom where messages are transformed into Arabic English. Arabic has vowel sounds, but actualy doesn't have vowel letters. Would you be able to read English without vowel letters?


- A chat window where you can communicate back and forth. The output is processed with an Arabic English algorithm.


I don't know how to model this app yet, because there's gotta be a backend to this app. When I figured what that backend would be I will model the app.

Penguin maze game.

  • Goal:
    • Clone Lumosity's Penguin Pursuit game. Really fun game. Play this a lot on my phone.


  • A maze and a penguin that can walk through the maze.

Full app:

  • A rotating maze
  • AI pengiun that competes with you
  • Levels


To be honest this is out of my ability that I don't even know how to approach this.
Nevertheless, I'll try:

-- Model

type alias Model =
    { maze : Maze
    , entryPoint : EntryPoint -- penguin's start position
    , fishPoint : FishPonit -- The end point point. Where the penguin finally get's the fish.
    , penguin : Penguin

type alias Penguin =
    { x : Int
    , y : Int

This model is just me shooting in the dark. I have some resources to follow on how to build mazes. So after learning those I will change the model accordingly.

That's it folks. What do you think of this kind of exercise? Do you think this is a good delibarate practice?

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