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Discussion on: Building a simple Calendly clone with Phoenix LiveView (pt. 3)

antonrich profile image

I ran into a bit of snag yesterday. Today I started the tutorial again from the beginning and hit the same thing:
function CalendlexWeb.Live.InitAssigns.mount/3 is undefined or private

bigardone profile image
Ricardo García Vega • Edited

👋🏼 Can you run mix hex.outdated and confirm that you have the latest version of LiveView installed?

antonrich profile image

mix hex.outdated screensh
phoenix_live_view 0.16.4 0.17.5
Is the version of live_view an issue here? Seems so, I ran your source code it worked. I also checked it with the hex.outdated command and the live_view version is 0.17.5.
I'll try to update and report back.

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bigardone profile image
Ricardo García Vega

Upgrading phoenix_live_view should fix the issue 🤞🏼

antonrich profile image

I have updated the version of live_view and it worked! Ricardo thanks for your help.

A couple other things that happened:
First, in /lib/calendlex_web/live/page_live.html.heex we have

<EventType.event_type event_type={event_type} path={Routes.live_path(@socket, CalendlexWeb.EventTypeLive, event_type.slug)} />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Which led me to an error message:
function EventType.event_type/1 is undefined (module EventType is not available)

The solution was just to add CalendlexWeb.Components.EventType.event_type instead of just EventType.event_type

So, my question how did you manage to make it just EventType instead of the whole thing CalendlexWeb.Components.EventType?

Second, and instead of EventType.event_type you have in the source code EventType.selector.

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slowburnaz profile image
Chris Turner • Edited

I was having the same issue...

Aliasing EventType in the page_live.ex file does work.

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bigardone profile image
Ricardo García Vega

As Chris said, aliasing the component module in your live view should do the trick. Regarding the selector function, it was a last-minute refactor I did. I will pay more attention to these kind of errors in the following parts, sorry for the inconvenience 🙌