If you have already read Accepting command line arguments and Struct Args, let's see how command-line arguments work using a simple calculator as an example.
Add the standard library
use std::env::{args, Args};
Here is the main code
fn main() {
let mut arguments: Args = args();
let first_argument = arguments.nth(1).unwrap();
let operator = arguments.nth(0).unwrap().chars().next().unwrap();
let second_argument = arguments.nth(0).unwrap();
let first_number: f64 = first_argument.parse().unwrap();
let second_number = second_argument.parse::<f64>().unwrap();
let result = operate(operator, first_number, second_number);
println!("{} {} {} = {}", first_number, operator, second_number, result);
Function operate() gonna match our operator of type ‘char’
fn operate(operator: char, first_number: f64, second_number: f64) -> f64{
match operator {
'+' => first_number + second_number,
'-' => first_number - second_number,
'/' => first_number / second_number,
'*' | 'x' | 'X' => first_number * second_number,
=> 0.0,
Cargorun it with arguments «number operator number» for example:
cargo run 1 + 2
The answer would be look like that:
1 + 2 = 3
Arguments look like that:
{ inner: ["target/debug/calculator", "1", "+", "2"] }
The first element is the path of the executable.
Accessing command line arguments by index
As soon as some of arguments used all previous arguments would be deleted.
let first_argument = arguments.nth(1).unwrap();
{ inner: ["+", "2"] }
So we have to take 0th argument
let operator = arguments.nth(0).unwrap().chars().next().unwrap();
{ inner: ["2"] }
And again wehave to take 0th argument
let second_argument = arguments.nth(0).unwrap();
Args { inner: [] }
That’s why
args.nth(1) = 1
args.nth(0) = +
args.nth(0) = 2
Let’s tests it:
fn add() {
assert_eq!(3.0, operate('+', 1.0, 2.0) );
fn substruct() {
assert_eq!(3.0, operate('-', 5.0, 2.0) );
fn multiply() {
assert_eq!(4.0, operate('*', 2.0, 2.0) );
assert_eq!(4.0, operate('x', 2.0, 2.0) );
assert_eq!(4.0, operate('X', 2.0, 2.0) );
fn divide() {
assert_eq!(3.0, operate('/', 6.0, 2.0) );
fn error() {
assert_ne!(2.0, operate('u', 4.0, 2.0) );
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