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Antonio Falcão Jr.
Antonio Falcão Jr.

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Benchmark: Check to Skip

Sometimes, you just need to check whether a collection is empty or null to skip execution. But how expensive is that?

This very simple benchmark tested some ways to do this:

GitHub logo AntonioFalcaoJr / Benchmark

Sometimes, you just need to check whether a collection is empty or null to skip execution. But how expensive is that?


    var list = Ids?.ToList() ?? new List<Guid>();
    if (list.Any() is false) { }

    var list = Ids?.ToArray() ?? Array.Empty<Guid>();
    if (list.Any() is false) { }

    // toList(); 
    var list = _ids?.ToList();
    if (list is null || list.Any() is false) { }
    // toArray();
    var list = _ids?.ToArray();
    if (list is null || list.Any() is false) { }

    // toList();
    var list = Ids?.ToList();
    if (list is {Count: > 0} is false) { }
    // toArray();
    var list = _ids?.ToArray();
    if (list is {Length: > 0} is false) { }

    // toList();
    var list = Ids?.ToList();
    if (list?.Count <= 0) { }
    // toArray();
    var list = _ids?.ToArray();
    if (list?.Length <= 0) { }
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BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1, OS=Windows 10.0.18363.1198 (1909/November2018Update/19H2)
Intel Core i7-9700 CPU 3.00GHz, 1 CPU, 8 logical and 8 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=5.0.101
  [Host]        : .NET Core 5.0.1 (CoreCLR, CoreFX, X64 RyuJIT
  .NET Core 3.1 : .NET Core 3.1.10 (CoreCLR 4.700.20.51601, CoreFX 4.700.20.51901), X64 RyuJIT
  .NET Core 5.0 : .NET Core 5.0.1 (CoreCLR, CoreFX, X64 RyuJIT
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Method Runtime Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
Scenario1 Core 3.1 25.0384ns 0.5082ns 0.5649ns 2.64 0.06
Scenario1 .NET Core 5.0 9.5186ns 0.1186ns 0.1109ns 1.00 0.00
Scenario2 Core 3.1 7.0908ns 0.0687ns 0.0537ns 0.63 0.00
Scenario2 .NET 5 11.2512ns 0.0510ns 0.0426ns 1.00 0.00
Scenario3 toList Core 3.1 0.4756ns 0.0099ns 0.0093ns 0.85 0.04
Scenario3 toList .NET 5 0.5622ns 0.0278ns 0.0246ns 1.00 0.00
Scenario3 toArray Core 3.1 0.4801ns 0.0074ns 0.0069ns 0.99 0.02
Scenario3 toArray .NET 5 0.4854ns 0.0108ns 0.0101ns 1.00 0.00
Scenario4 toList Core 3.1 0.2452ns 0.0024ns 0.0022ns 1.14 0.03
Scenario4 toList .NET 5 0.2164ns 0.0058ns 0.0045ns 1.00 0.00
Scenario4 toArray Core 3.1 0.4812ns 0.0082ns 0.0064ns 0.99 0.03
Scenario4 toArray .NET 5 0.4856ns 0.0119ns 0.0111ns 1.00 0.00
Scenario5 toList Core 3.1 0.2381ns 0.0060ns 0.0050ns 1.06 0.06
Scenario5 toList .NET 5 0.2255ns 0.0166ns 0.0129ns 1.00 0.00
Scenario5 toArray Core 3.1 0.6015ns 0.0365ns 0.0391ns 1.26 0.10
Scenario5 toArray .NET 5 0.4802ns 0.0115ns 0.0107ns 1.00 0.00



Scenarios.Scenario1: .NET Core 3.1         -> 1 outlier  was  removed (29.51 ns)
Scenarios.Scenario2: .NET Core 3.1         -> 3 outliers were removed (8.72 ns..8.88 ns)
Scenarios.Scenario2: .NET Core 5.0         -> 2 outliers were removed (12.83 ns, 13.51 ns)
Scenarios.Scenario3_toList: .NET Core 5.0  -> 1 outlier  was  removed (2.01 ns)
Scenarios.Scenario4_toList: .NET Core 5.0  -> 3 outliers were removed (1.65 ns..1.67 ns)
Scenarios.Scenario4_toArray: .NET Core 3.1 -> 3 outliers were removed (1.87 ns..1.93 ns)
Scenarios.Scenario5_toList: .NET Core 3.1  -> 2 outliers were removed (1.64 ns, 1.65 ns)
Scenarios.Scenario5_toList: .NET Core 5.0  -> 3 outliers were removed (1.65 ns..1.68 ns)
Scenarios.Scenario5_toArray: .NET Core 3.1 -> 1 outlier  was  removed (2.08 ns)
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Mean    : Arithmetic mean of all measurements
Error   : Half of 99.9% confidence interval
StdDev  : Standard deviation of all measurements
Ratio   : Mean of the ratio distribution ([Current]/[Baseline])
RatioSD : Standard deviation of the ratio distribution ([Current]/[Baseline])
1 ns    : 1 Nanosecond (0.000000001 sec)
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