I’m a big fan of semantic-release since it appeared. I followed its development, studied its inners. I made in-house reports, held workshops and finally brought semrel to our build infrastructure. I wrote plugins, plugin-factories and testing-tools for it. For several years now, I've been trying to combine semantic releases and monorepositories in many OSS projects:
- https://github.com/qiwi/semantic-release-monorepo-hooks
- https://github.com/dhoulb/multi-semantic-release
- https://github.com/qiwi/multi-semantic-release
Etc, etc, so on. I’m just trying to say, that semrel had a significant impact on my professional life.
Semrel goal
The main purpose of semantic-release is to transform semantic (conventional) commits into build artifacts and deployments. With version bumping, changelogs, tagging, pkg publishing. “Fully-automated release” — is the true. There are also dozens on plugins, so you’ll most likely find a solution for any standard case. It really saves times.
But sometimes
You may need a minor tweak up. For example, push some pkg to both public and internal registries. Ooops. "...publishing to two different registry is not a good idea". In this case you can not rely on stable, convenient and tested in millions runs semrel/npm plugin, and you have to just write a pair of commands by hand with semantic-release/exec instead:
echo "//npm-registry.domain.com/:_authToken=${TOKEN}” >> .npmrc
echo "\`jq '.name="@scope/pkg-name”’ package.json\`" > package.json
npm config set registry https://npm-registry.domain.com
npm publish --no-git-tag-version
Another instance — disabling git notes fetching. "Afraid that won't be possible".
Of course, you may fork semrel and remove the mentioned line. Or create a plugin/hook, that will override loaded execa module with patched one version, than just skips git notes
invocation (this is really frustrating, I did smth similar). Or… {{ another crazy workaround goes here }}
This is a watershed moment. Once you start to fight against the tool, it's time to just pick another one. The new dilemma:
- Spend days and days for searching, tuning and testing analogs.
- Write your own semantic-release.
My opinionated suggestion: if your case is very simple or, conversely, very complex, the second option will be optimal. Release script — is not a rocket science!
140 lines alternative
Let's take a look at what exactly each release consists of, if we discard the high-level tool contracts. I use zx in the examples, but it could be execa or native child_process.exec too.
1. Git configuration
To make a commit you need a committer: just name and email that will be associated with author. Also PAT or SSH token is required to push the commit.
throw new Error('env.GITHUB_TOKEN, env.GIT_COMMITTER_NAME & env.GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL must be set')
const originUrl = (await $`git config --get remote.origin.url`).toString().trim()
const [,,repoHost, repoName] = originUrl.replace(':', '/').replace(/\.git/, '').match(/.+(@|\/\/)([^/]+)\/(.+)$/)
const repoPublicUrl = `https://${repoHost}/${repoName}`
const repoAuthedUrl = `https://${gitAuth}@${repoHost}/${repoName}`
await $`git config user.name ${GIT_COMMITTER_NAME}`
await $`git config user.email ${GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL}`
await $`git remote set-url origin ${repoAuthedUrl}`
2. Commit analysis
Conventional commits are just a prefixed strings in git log. We should define some rules on how to associate messages substrings with corresponding release types:
const semanticTagPattern = /^(v?)(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/
const releaseSeverityOrder = ['major', 'minor', 'patch']
const semanticRules = [
{group: 'Features', releaseType: 'minor', prefixes: ['feat']},
{group: 'Fixes & improvements', releaseType: 'patch', prefixes: ['fix', 'perf', 'refactor', 'docs']},
{group: 'BREAKING CHANGES', releaseType: 'major', keywords: ['BREAKING CHANGE', 'BREAKING CHANGES']},
Then we search for the prev release tag, that satisfies semver pattern:
const tags = (await $`git tag -l --sort=-v:refname`).toString().split('\n').map(tag => tag.trim())
const lastTag = tags.find(tag => semanticTagPattern.test(tag))
And make commits cut from the found ref:
const newCommits = (lastTag
? await $`git log --format=+++%s__%b__%h__%H ${await $`git rev-list -1 ${lastTag}`}..HEAD`
: await $`git log --format=+++%s__%b__%h__%H HEAD`)
.map(msg => {
const [subj, body, short, hash] = msg.split('__').map(raw => raw.trim())
return {subj, body, short, hash}
Now we just need to parse them:
const semanticChanges = newCommits.reduce((acc, {subj, body, short, hash}) => {
semanticRules.forEach(({group, releaseType, prefixes, keywords}) => {
const prefixMatcher = prefixes && new RegExp(`^(${prefixes.join('|')})(\\(\\w+\\))?:\\s.+$`)
const keywordsMatcher = keywords && new RegExp(`(${keywords.join('|')}):\\s(.+)`)
const change = subj.match(prefixMatcher)?.[0] || body.match(keywordsMatcher)?.[2]
if (change) {
return acc
}, [])
Ta-da. Semantic changes:
semanticChanges= [
group: 'Fixes & improvements',
releaseType: 'patch',
change: 'perf: use git for tags sorting',
subj: 'perf: use git for tags sorting',
body: '',
short: 'a1abdae',
hash: 'a1abdaea801824d0392e69f9182daf4d5f4b97db'
group: 'Fixes & improvements',
releaseType: 'patch',
change: 'refactor: minor simplifications',
subj: 'refactor: minor simplifications',
body: '',
short: 'be847a2',
hash: 'be847a26e2b0583e889403ec00db45f9f9555e30'
group: 'Fixes & improvements',
releaseType: 'patch',
change: 'fix: fix commit url template',
subj: 'fix: fix commit url template',
body: '',
short: '3669edd',
hash: '3669edd7eb440e29dc0fcf493c76fbfc04271023'
3. Resolve next version:
const nextReleaseType = releaseSeverityOrder.find(type => semanticChanges.find(({releaseType}) => type === releaseType))
if (!nextReleaseType) {
console.log('No semantic changes - no semantic release.')
const nextVersion = ((lastTag, releaseType) => {
if (!releaseType) {
if (!lastTag) {
return '1.0.0'
const [, , c1, c2, c3] = semanticTagPattern.exec(lastTag)
if (releaseType === 'major') {
return `${-~c1}.0.0`
if (releaseType === 'minor') {
return `${c1}.${-~c2}.0`
if (releaseType === 'patch') {
return `${c1}.${c2}.${-~c3}`
})(lastTag, nextReleaseType)
const nextTag = 'v' + nextVersion
4. Generate release notes
const releaseDiffRef = `## [${nextVersion}](${repoPublicUrl}/compare/${lastTag}...${nextTag}) (${new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10)})`
const releaseDetails = Object.values(semanticChanges
.reduce((acc, {group, change, short, hash}) => {
const {commits} = acc[group] || (acc[group] = {commits: [], group})
const commitRef = `* ${change} ([${short}](${repoPublicUrl}/commit/${hash}))`
return acc
}, {}))
.map(({group, commits}) => `
### ${group}
const releaseNotes = releaseDiffRef + '\n' + releaseDetails + '\n'
5. Update CHANGELOG.md
Attach releaseNotes
to file. Just one string.
await $`echo ${releaseNotes}"\n$(cat ./CHANGELOG.md)" > ./CHANGELOG.md`
6. Update package version
await $`npm --no-git-tag-version version ${nextVersion}`
7. Git release.
Create commit. Create tag. Push them.
const releaseMessage = `chore(release): ${nextVersion} [skip ci]`
await $`git add -A .`
await $`git commit -am ${releaseMessage}`
await $`git tag -a ${nextTag} HEAD -m ${releaseMessage}`
await $`git push --follow-tags origin HEAD:refs/heads/master`
8. GitHub release
Just one curl POST to gh rest api.
const releaseData = JSON.stringify({
name: nextTag,
tag_name: nextTag,
body: releaseNotes
await $`curl -u ${GIT_COMMITTER_NAME}:${GITHUB_TOKEN} -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" https://api.github.com/repos/${repoName}/releases -d ${releaseData}`
9. Npm publish
await $`npm publish --no-git-tag-version`
Need several registries? NP.
await $`npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.org`
await $`npm publish --no-git-tag-version`
await $`echo "\`jq '.name="@${repoName}"' package.json\`" > package.json`
await $`npm config set registry https://npm.pkg.github.com`
await $`npm publish --no-git-tag-version`
This solution does not cover corner cases and has significant limitations of usage. Ultimately, you don't care if other tools have 99.99999% applicability until they ignore just one specific case — yours. But now you have completely taken back release flow control. You're able to improve and modify this snippet as you wish and whenever you like.
gh release.yaml
release log
`zx`-based release script as `semantic-release` alternative (PoC)
zx -based release script as semantic-release alternative (PoC)
Sometimes bloody enterprise enforces you not to use any third-party solutions for sensitive operations (like release, deploy, so on) Old good script copy-paste hurries to the rescue!
Btw, here's an adaptation for monorepos: zx-bulk-release
- macOS / linux
- Node.js >= 14.13.1
- git >= 2.0
- zx >= 1.6.0
Key features
- Zero dependencies
- Zero configuration
- Pretty fast
- Tiny, less than 140 lines with comments
- Reliability, safety, simplicity and maintainability (sarcasm)
- Poor conventional commits analysis
generation -
version bumping - Git release commit creation
- GitHub Release
- Package publishing to both npmjs and gh registries
🚀 Usage
- Copy
- Tweak up, inject tokens, etc
- Run
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/semrel-extra/zx-semrel/master/release.mjs > ./release.mjs
zx ./release.mjs
or this like if zx
is not installed:
# Just replace GIT* env values with your own
GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=antongolub GIT_COMMITER_EMAIL=mailbox@antongolub.ru GITHUB_TOKEN=token npx zx ./release.mjs
or just run it without any edits though npx:
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