DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you get Node.js apps to production?

antonfrattaroli profile image
Anton Frattaroli

Webpack plugin that deploys during travis build. Travis has variables set for deployment. Works great.

Pain point for me as of this moment is lerna, symlinks all that madness.

aaronpowell profile image
Aaron Powell

Ha! I wrote an article just last week on deploying to npm! Still got to write the 2nd part about doing package versioning in releases.

Is your plugin an OSS one? Give it a shout-out! I'd be keen to see what you're doing with lerna, I tried it early on with a monorepo but it was really painful so we ditched it.

antonfrattaroli profile image
Anton Frattaroli

We're wrapping the aws-sdk in a custom webpack plugin. Travis fires the deploy npm script on every merge.

The issue with lerna is that we didn't put any effort into the integration, and not much team communication in the way of how we're using it. Right now, it's hoisting common dependencies and that's it. What it needs to be doing is narrowing scope to only changed packages (--since) and we need to implement publishing with it (right now everything is still published manually). We have the packages partially symlinked but changes to sub-packages aren't necessarily deployed so it's possible to get a deployment in a state where the application is in an irreconcilable version with an external application, which would be dependent on the published npm package.