DEV Community

What are your top WFH/Remote working tips?

Antonin J. (they/them) on March 11, 2020

So many people are having to work from home or work remotely due to COVID-19, what are your tips for them? Here are mine: Get dressed -- doesn't...
kayis profile image

Do something every week.

Only set an alarm for special occasions.

Work with people whoms time zone fits your sleeping schedule.

Work/Life ballance is easier to manage if you only work 10-20h a week.

lmeromy profile image

Make sure to block out some time for something physical. I force myself to get up and either take a walk or do 15-30 minutes yoga every day right before I eat lunch. Helps to give myself a bit of structure, plus exercise is great anyway!

mburszley profile image
Maximilian Burszley • Edited

Segregation is my best tip. Your systems, your environment, everything. It's hard to focus with distractions. Separate yourself like you would at work (which is usually in a physically different location, on different systems, etc.) and to echo others: still "get ready" for work and be presentable as that will change your mindset as well.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern
antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

nice! I saw you tweet that out recently! :)

demianbrecht profile image
Demian Brecht

I'm curious if anyone has found a solid replacement to whiteboard discussions. Best I've found so far is Wacom tablets, using Google draw collaboratively, each person using a different colour. It kinda of works until you get into printing and then it starts falling apart.

antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

not really but I'm also not a whiteboard-y person. We usually open a markdown documents, type out quick notes, write some pseudo-code, etc. and that's been working out pretty well.

It doesn't translate 100% but also, whenever my team gets together and we have a whiteboard, we end up hooking up our laptops to a screen and doing the markdown doc thing anyways haha

antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

I thought of a few more!

  1. get some solid brain food to munch on
  2. take real lunch breaks. Not working lunch breaks, despite how enticing that sounds
  3. let your team know when you will and will not be available
  4. communicate with your work about what you were up to that day -- remote work needs more transparency!
altryne profile image
Alex V

Just posted mine over at

antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

awesome! Thanks!

tppt profile image

make sure to have toilet paper
wash your hands
drink water
do crimes
hail satan

antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

Hail satan, for sure. May the dark lord smile up on us.

But you've got a good point! One other thing I'd add is to get food!