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Discussion on: How was your experience when switching from mac/windows to Linux

antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

I have been rotating my OSes for years so I've gone from Windows to Linux many times and many times back. Generally speaking my issues have been with:

  1. certain hardware having poor driver support. My old Chromebook (Acer c720) had crappy audio support and difficulty setting it up. Touchpads also tend to suck on most systems
  2. dealing with software that works fine on Windows/Mac but has limitations on Linux. Like Firefox not being able to play Netflix reliably on every Linux system :/
  3. figuring out replacements for my existing workflow on my other OS. For example, quickly switching between audio outputs, or using a password manager, etc.
thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀

Thanks for the feedback! I think you definitely hit a nail with all very good points. I've wondered why we still don't have modular built laptops lol where you can swap hardware with supported drivers for linux, but nowadays there are definitely way more drivers than back in the day. I do remember trying out Kali at one point and I could not find the driver for my built-in wifi, I had to buy an external one that had a driver.

And I fully agree with linux replacement apps, that is a big pain.

antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and say that on my Thinkpad x220, drivers are not an issue at all. Thinkpads seem to have really good driver support. So while my Acer C720 sucked in terms of audio drivers, the Thinkpad required no craziness whatsoever (well, except for touchpad :/).

I think the replacement apps problem might be general in terms of switching OSes. Anyone I talk to that uses MacOS and goes to Windows struggles with that but they find alternatives eventually. Same goes the other way.