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Ayush antiwal
Ayush antiwal

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3 Good Habits For A Happy Life

Habits shapes our life. They can work for us or can work against us. If you wanna be successful in your life change your habits, live your life with such habits which makes you a person you want to be, which help you in getting what you want in your life. Our future is hidden in our daily habits they can break us or make us. Always try to stay out of your comfort zone otherwise you are developing a habit of laziness within yourself. Do something everyday which takes you towards your goals and dreams.

Habit 1 : Rise Early

It's best to have failure happen early in life. It wakes up the phoenix bird in you so you rise from the ashes. - Anne Baxter
The morning hours are self improvement hours in which we can improve ourselves daily. The best thing you can do in morning hours is reading, exercising & meditation which help you in becoming a better you. The morning hours are miracle hours which you will realize in your life when you start getting up early in the morning. The people who get up early in the morning are the ones who are crazy about their goals and dreams. If you don't have a reason to get up early give yourself a strong reason to wake up early morning. The people who have a deep sense of purpose to live they feel excited about their morning hours when you live your life with purpose you feel meaningful and excited.

Habit 2 : Stay out of your Comfort zone

The hardest thing to do is leaving your comfort zone. But you have to let go of the life you are familiar with and take the risk to live the life you dream about. - T. Arigo
Do something everyday which makes you uncomfortable. Always remember you will never grow in your comfort zone you will grows only when you leave your comfort zone, when you do something which makes you uncomfortable. The comfort zone is place where you feel lazy feel it may makes you feel good in the present but it will never grows you, we will only grows in life when we do something from out of our comfort zone. We only grows in life when we develop the habit of not staying in comfort zone. Your comfort zone may make you feel relaxed but it will never makes you a better version of you.

Habit 3 : Exercising

Do something today that your future self will thank you for. - Unknown
The exercise is important part of our life. If you want to be healthy and fit person you should exercise daily whether its a push or running. Doing a daily exercise prevent us from disease. Exercise fulfills the needs of the muscle that is not getting the physical activity to present days lifestyle. I believe the people who does not love themselves are the ones who don't exercise.

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