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ann lin
ann lin

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Build A Cool Thing (Street Fighter Website)

DEMO (You can see it live here.)

Today nostalgia hit me hard,

so I did a video on my first cool thing. Googled for a Street Fighter splash screen. Entire ideation is recorded in the video below. Give me some love. <3

This screen gives me goosebumps.

Loading Animation

Check out the first load animation which is an attempt to simulate a boot up effect from the screen of an arcade game. So we do a blur of 2px and hue-rotate the color to a number that looks good. Do it for 800ms then 500ms in the opposite direction. (I didn't know we can do backwards. I know nothing.)

/* Stole this idea from twilioquest, it's freaking sick. */
.load {
  animation: load 800ms 500ms backwards;

@keyframes load {
  0% {
    filter: blur(2px) hue-rotate(-150deg);

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Arcade Retro Screen Overlay

Who would have known a single line image would trigger nostalgia and make a good screen overlay. We literally paste a translucent background image on the screen, and disable any click effect on it using pointer-events: none so it will not block any interaction of other buttons (not that there is any at the moment).

Matthieu PΓ©tel gave a really good suggestion to use repeating-linear-gradient instead of svg for the retro overlay effect. (I've updated the code with slight tweak to the colors)

/* Stole this from twilioquest too. ^^ */
body:before {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  margin: auto;
  background: repeating-linear-gradient(#0D122B, #0D122B 2px, #565B73 2px, #565B73 4px);
  opacity: 0.2;
  z-index: 100;
  content: "";
  pointer-events: none;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Retro Text

Google font is our best friend here. I choose the font Permanent Marker which is the closest I can find to replicate the Street Fighter text and also the font Press Start 2P which is used in most retro games.


Use a little skew and rotate and translate to tilt the text Software and Engineer. I give them separate class name because we want to adjust them a little differently.

.title-top {
  transform: skew(-10deg) rotate(-10deg) translateX(-2rem);
.title-bottom {
  transform: skew(-10deg) rotate(-10deg) translateX(1rem);

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Clipping the background turns out cool and works well on Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera browser. I am amazed.

.title h1 {
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(rgb(255, 18, 18) 30%, rgb(255, 215, 38));
  -webkit-background-clip: text;
  -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And I use <span> to set some of the letters to be slighly bigger. So it looks more like the splash screen earlier.


The retro text ("PLAYER 1 OR PLAYER 2" etc) is done using text-shadow. One text-shadow (move it a little on the right and bottom behind the text) is enough to replicate the arcade style text in my opinion. I have two text-shadows for the credit Β© to make it "pop".

.grey-with-red {
  color: rgb(192, 192, 192);
  text-shadow: 2px 2px 0 rgb(192, 11, 11);

.purple-with-blue {
  color: rgb(147, 154, 255);
  text-shadow: 2px 2px 0 rgb(47, 61, 255);

.yellow-with-darkyellow {
  color: rgb(226, 179, 24);
  text-shadow: 0 2px 0 rgb(107, 77, 11),
    2px 0 0 rgb(151, 109, 19),
    2px 2px 0 rgb(151, 109, 19);

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Source code over here:

I will add more interactions in the next one. I got to sleep now. Bye.

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Top comments (20)

darlingtonp4 profile image

That's pretty cool

annlin profile image
ann lin

😳 Thanks :)

robsongap profile image
Robson Alves

Congratulations with very good, my favorite game.
Great job.

annlin profile image
ann lin


matthieupetel profile image
Matthieu PΓ©tel

Nice :) The backwards animation is clever!
But instead of making a call to a .svg image for the screen pixels effect, you can simply use a repeating linear background.
Ex : background: repeating-linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, .2), rgba(0, 0, 0, .2) 2px, transparent 2px, transparent 4px)

annlin profile image
ann lin

yes yes this is definitely a better approach. :) Gonna update mine

giacomosorbi profile image
Giacomo Sorbi

Plot twist, to animate it, you actually need to type correctly the Konami code!

[I know SF is a franchise from CapCom, that is the joke]

annlin profile image
ann lin

omg that's actually a brilliant idea 😱[haha]

giacomosorbi profile image
Giacomo Sorbi

And also a little fun algorithmic/basic JS problem my students seem to enjoy: go for it and let me know how nice it comes ;)

pejantantangguh profile image
Herman Ng

Looks Awesome!

annlin profile image
ann lin

<3 thanks!

araslanove profile image
Araslanov Eugene

Ohh. I thought you wrote a game for the web B)

solutus profile image
Staskov Sergey

@araslanove , what is your favorite game?

annlin profile image
ann lin

ah ha, that's the plan.

rmsim profile image
Rui Min, Sim

I'm a huge fan of the TwilioQuest site as well, this is lovely!

annlin profile image
ann lin

yes! they are amazing! <3

napoleon039 profile image
Nihar Raote

Looks awesome! The loading animation looks too cool πŸ™Œ

annlin profile image
ann lin

woohoo thanks! πŸ™Œ

migben profile image
Miguel Ben • Edited

Cool stuff! and please do moar.

annlin profile image
ann lin

i will do moar 😏