DEV Community

Anna Wijetunga
Anna Wijetunga

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Anna from November 2019

Believe you me, I'd much rather bury this one, but for nostalgia, I present to you, my original post about how I was found coding. Enjoy.

It's funny where life takes you.

Ever since the tender age of five, my dream job was to become a teacher. I wanted nothing more than to assign homework and bake cookies for my students.

I'm here to tell you I did indeed become a Kindergarten teacher and do both of those things.

For a while this was the challenging, and quite often syrupy sweet, job I'd always wanted.

Until it wasn't.

Even though it felt like I was throwing away a perfectly good career and a degree, off I went.

Health Coach, shoe salesperson, personal trainer, and mama.

Each new opportunity had that initial excitement of new and interesting, followed by a wave of regret for tossing my previous time and efforts.

You may very well guess that becoming a mama changed everything. Shortly after spending the first year home raising my wee babe, I pursued a radically new (for me!) opportunity because I needed to get out of the house! make friends! speak a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g other than baby talk!

I was hired to work for an ed-tech company in New York City. This, my dear readers, ignited the spark.

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