DEV Community

Ankan Saha
Ankan Saha

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Building a Scalable API with Node.js and Express

Building a Scalable API with Node.js & Express: Lessons Learned 💡

Recently, I tackled the challenge of building a highly scalable API for [mention project or company] using the reliable duo of Node.js and Express.

This project involved [briefly describe the project's purpose and challenges]. I learned some valuable lessons along the way:

  • Microservices FTW: Breaking down functionality into smaller, independent services significantly improved scalability and maintainability.
  • Efficient Routing: Leveraging Express's powerful routing mechanisms enabled me to create clean and modular code.
  • Async/Await Powerhouse: Node.js's async/await functionality proved essential for handling concurrent requests without blocking the server.
  • Caching is King: Implementing caching strategies like Redis significantly improved performance by reducing database load.
  • Monitoring & Logging are Crucial: Monitoring tools helped me identify bottlenecks, while detailed logging provided invaluable insights for troubleshooting.

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