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anil kumar thakur
anil kumar thakur

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Simplifying Password Reset in Laravel with Custom Eloquent Model for Authentication

Password reset functionality is a crucial aspect of any web application that deals with user authentication. In Laravel, the framework provides a convenient way to handle password resets out of the box. However, there are scenarios where you might want to customize the behavior and use a custom Eloquent model for authentication. In this article, we will explore a quick example that demonstrates how password reset can be implemented using a custom Eloquent model in Laravel.

Setting up the Environment
Before diving into the implementation details, let’s make sure we have the necessary environment set up. Ensure that you have a Laravel project up and running with the required dependencies installed. If you haven’t already, create the relevant database tables and models for authentication.

The Code Example
Let’s take a look at the code snippet that demonstrates how password reset can be achieved using a custom Eloquent model for authentication.
`public function passwordReset(Request $request): JsonResponse
try {

        $admin = Admin::whereEmail($request->input('email'))->firstOrFail();

        return response()->json(
                'message' => 'Password reset link sent on your email id.',
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return response()->json(
                'error' => $e->getMessage(),
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The PasswordResetJob
Let’s now take a closer look at the PasswordResetJob class, which handles the actual password reset process.

namespace App\Jobs;

use App\Models\Admin;
use Illuminate\Auth\Notifications\ResetPassword;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Password;

class PasswordResetJob implements ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;

public function __construct(public Admin $admin)

public function handle(): void
    ResetPassword::createUrlUsing(function (Admin $admin, string $token) {
        return "$token";
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The PasswordResetJob class is responsible for generating the password reset URL and triggering the password reset notification to the admin user. In this example, we use the ResetPassword notification class provided by Laravel, which allows customization of the password reset URL creation. We set the URL using the createUrlUsing method, and then send the password reset notification to the admin user.

Customizing the password reset functionality in Laravel using a custom Eloquent model for authentication provides flexibility and control over the process. In this article, we explored a simple example that demonstrated how password reset can be achieved with a custom Eloquent model. Feel free to apply this approach to your Laravel projects and customize it further based on your specific requirements.

Remember, password security is a critical aspect of any application, so ensure that you follow best practices and take necessary precautions to protect user data.

Happy coding!

In this article, we covered the implementation details of password reset using a custom Eloquent model for authentication in Laravel. We explored a code example and discussed the concepts and steps involved. By leveraging the power of Laravel’s customization capabilities, you can adapt the password reset functionality to suit your application’s needs.

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