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Anik Saha
Anik Saha

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JavaScript (ES6) data Type

Hello everyone, welcome to the second blog of the beginner series.
In previous blog we talked about DOM method, today we will be discussing basics on Data types.

what is data type?
Data type describe the different types or kinds of data that we are gonna be working with and how things are stored. In javascript, there are 6 data types:

  • String type
  • Boolean type.
  • Null type.
  • Undefined type.
  • BigInt type.
  • Symbol type **


A string is a series of characters like "Harry". Also it could be a single character, a line of text, a paragraph, and so on. In javaScript there is no difference between single quotes and double quotes. You can use quotes inside a string, as long as they don't match the quotes surrounding the string.

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Boolean Type:

In programming there is only two type of values, like

  • True or False
  • yes or No.

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Null type :

JavaScript Null value represent the international absence of any object value.

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Undefined type:

A variable without a value defined has the value undefined. This is not similar as Null.

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BigInt type :

BigInt is a built-in object in javaScript. It's a primitive wrapper object used to represent and manipulate primitive BigInt values which are too large to be represented by the number primitive.

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Symbol type :

A symbol represents a unique identifier. we can create many symbols with the exactly the same description, but they are different values. Symbols are must be unique.

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Ending Notes


This is all about Data Types, thanks for your reading till the end.
You will also check this link :

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