DEV Community

Discussion on: How to find inspiration for a side-project

andrzejchmura profile image
Andrzej Chmura

Follow-up question: how to stay interested in your side project before jumping to a new one? 😅

rikschennink profile image
Rik Schennink
  • Show others what you're working on so you get feedback. Not only is this useful to find problems early on, honest feedback is also a great motivator.

  • Tell others that you're building something so they keep asking you how it's going.

  • Keep it small. The bigger the project. The more new ideas popup and the harder it is to ignore them.

andrzejchmura profile image
Andrzej Chmura

Those are some great points there, thank you!

eekayonline profile image
Edwin Klesman

Totally agree on Rik's points. Sharing the fact that you're working it motivates you by the interaction you'll get. It also gives you a sense of commitment since, well, you can't let them down can you? ;)

Choose if you're in it to LEARN something, or to SHIP something that might be viable (aka: gives value to others and might bring you revenue).

If you're in it for the shipping option, choose the tech that you KNOW and are comfortable with.
Focus on the shipping part by realizing that:

Shipping > building features

By choosing tech that you know + solving a problem that you're familiar with + keeping it small you'll keep the friction as small as possible. Building the MVP's features will go smoother and that will help to keep you motivated as well.