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Andrey Kumara
Andrey Kumara

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How can I fast-track my AWS learning? Tips welcome! πŸš€

Hey everyone,

I'm new here! I work as a software engineer, mainly dealing with Mule, B2Bi, and Java for integrations. I've also been into Unity game development for years, though it's just a hobby now due to my job's policies.

Quick question: I'm an integration developer and need to get the hang of AWS fast (like, within weeks) for a new project. Any tips, best practices, or advice from you all would be awesome!

Thanks a bunch 😊

Top comments (2)

tanjabayer profile image
Tanja Bayer

It depends a bit what in AWS you need to know. There are so many things and mostly you will only need a fraction oft all AWS Services.

In general I would recommend to get your hands dirty pretty fast. Create an account, with the AWS free tier you can test a lot of services without paying for it.

Grab a tutorial and just follow it. When there are things you do not understand read about it or ask other people for explanations.

Last year I started a series here on, which should help people just to start from zero and explore some serverless functionality. If that is to specific AWS also has a lot of resources for people to get started: AWS Getting Started

Hope that helps :)

andreykumara profile image
Andrey Kumara • Edited

Hi Tanja,

Thank you for your thoughtful response! I've followed your series and it's been incredibly helpful. I appreciate your recommendation to explore the AWS free tier and will continue to dive into more tutorials.

Thanks again for your guidance!