DEV Community

Discussion on: What social media accounts are worth it for developers in 2020?

andrewmplummer profile image
Andrew Plummer

Twitter (to find content from professionals with similar interests)
LinkedIn (to connect with people in your industry or similar industries)
Medium (to produce content and read insightful material from other users)
YouTube (lots of online courses here)
And (see Twitter and LinkedIn and Medium)

rahulmanojt profile image
Rahul T the ultimate

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

People still use Medium? I just went to the website to see if anything had changed. I looked at one article and then at the top it said "You have 1 free story left this month. Upgrade for unlimited access." That paywall is destroying the readership there I would be cross posting there if not for it.

andrewmplummer profile image
Andrew Plummer

I hate Ads so I actually don't mind the paywall they put in. But, yeah, it'll obviously block a lot of potential readers from using the site.

madza profile image

These are right on 🔥🔥