DEV Community

Discussion on: Tools I should learn as a .net dev

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Andrew McGivery

If you're looking for more .NET stuff to learn, I highly suggest getting at least a basic knowledge of Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control, and Mocking frameworks. This knowledge is invaluable if you ever need to write a large, loosely coupled, and testable application. More specifically, I would suggest looking at a combination of Autofac, Moq, and NUnit. It's very easy to get started with these tools and get a Proof of Concept up in running in less than 30 mins. They are all available on Nuget.

If you're looking into more "frontend" stuff and less .NET focused, I'd say at this point it's worth dabbling in the "big" frontend frameworks such as React and Angular 2 (don't bother with 1.0). These will continue to dominate for many years to come.

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Paweł Ruciński • Edited
  1. IoC containers that I used in some scope: Unity, Simple Injection, Ninject.
  2. In case of test doubles, Moq is my favourite. Generally, TDD is kind of my thing :)
  3. I am going to learn React as soon as possible, but first I want to finish js basics.

Anyway thanks :)