DEV Community

Discussion on: The Ultimate Guide to Local WordPress Development on a Mac

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Andrew Durber

Great article. Not a WP dev, or even a PHP dev for that matter. But I've recently been doing some theme development and decided to go with Varying Vagrant Vagrants TL;DR:

1) Install VirtualBox (if not already installed)
2) Install Vagrant (if not already installed)
3) Clone the VVV repo or download the latest stable release
4) In terminal (or cmd, it works cross-platform), cd into the directory where you cloned the VVV repo, type vagrant up.

It does some provisioning but once it's up it's a delight to work with. The beauty of it being in Vagrant is that I have the same environment across all of my machines (OS X and Windows 10) with:

  • nginx
  • WP-CLI
  • phpMyAdmin
  • Wordpress Develop
  • Wordpress Stable

To name but a few.
VVV: Intstalled Packages

It's a little overkill but, it's a great environment with everything that I need, and then some.