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Discussion on: I am an AWS solution architect, Ask Me Anything AWS!

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

So my co-founder for ExamPro who works with all cloud platforms as an enterprise consultant would summarize as such:

GCP for containers, Azure for Platform, AWS for everything else

You see mixing and matching either in two cases:

  • early on stage startups trying to save money
  • insanely large fin tech companies where the computing power of specialized instance is per cents cheaper it ouweighs the fact that its not within the ecosystem of their primary could provider

My buddy who is a quantitative analysis say Azure is really good for R.
I know IBM's ability to translate text and ML is much better than GCP and AWS

The big attraction of GCP is it looks like nice and the UI is easy to use just like Digital Ocean.

The big thing that makes AWS such a winner is support. GCP has better support in that you get a native english speaker who has excellent communication skills but AWS support and exhaustive documentation availability outweighs GCP.

Its hard to for GCP and Azure to catch up in terms of offerings so they have to look for strategic ways to provide unique services just as we see Azure does with R.

antonfrattaroli profile image
Anton Frattaroli

We've migrated away from AWS' CloudSearch to Algolia - same outcome but much better dev and admin experience.

And then dropping AWS' Cognito for Auth0 - Cognito has some weird case-sensitivity issues and password reset annoyances. Auth0 has some neat features like password-less log-on.