DEV Community

Discussion on: What was your win this week?

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I launched my new portfolio website yesterday 🥳

juanvegadev profile image
Juan Vega

I love the colors and the minimalist of the design ♥

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Thanks I really like these brand colors too!

majorth profile image
Todd H

Very professional and inviting, Andrew. Cheers! Todd

jonaspetri profile image
Jonas Petri

Looks great, I love the dark mode too!

carlosds profile image
Karel De Smet

That dark mode toggle is just insane. Great job man!

prafulla-codes profile image
Prafulla Raichurkar


davidfree2 profile image
Humberto David Esquerra

This is awesome i like the look of it. Maybe you can check out mine too? And let me know what you think.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Thanks! So I just took a look at your website its good although there are some areas that you could make better.

  1. Possibly adding a profile image on the home screen so people know what you look like
  2. I would remove the text telling people to use the nav bar. It's too technical not everyone is a programmer. Better to have one of those breadcrumb menus on the side that lets you scroll to sections or possibly an arrow pointing down.
  3. Some of the images in the skills section are stretched out too much
  4. The image of the monitor for the Todolist at the bottom needs cleaning up because there is a blue highlight on it
  5. The text in the footer would be better centre aligned i think
  6. Some of the buttons are missing the cursor pointer when you hover over them
  7. The contact form has no validation a user can submit it blank

Quite a long list but those are the major issues I saw. Other than thats its not too bad 😁

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davidfree2 profile image
Humberto David Esquerra

Do you know what size of screen you used to view the skills section is? That would really help alot. And thanks for your feedback! 🙂

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andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

MacBook Pro M1 1680 x 1050. It's like that on all screen sizes. Look at the Linux and json logo. The Linux logo is stretched there is not enough width and the json logo should be a circle but it's an oval shape. The same applies to a few others like the React logo which is not in this image. I think the images need some resizing so add more width.