DEV Community

Andreas Bergström
Andreas Bergström

Posted on

Stop Xcode 14 from signing pods (React Native solution)

From version 14 Xcode has now started signing external pods, which causes problems in React Native versions below 0.70.3:

[...]/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj error project: Signing for "React-Core-AccessibilityResources" requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor.
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To solve this you need to upgrade Reach Native to at least 0.70.3, which can be a somewhat daunting task. In the meantime you can set xcconfig rules in your Podfile post install block to stop Xcode from signing these pods (React-Core):

installer.target_installation_results.pod_target_installation_results.each do |pod_name, target_installation_result|
       if pod_name.to_s == 'React-Core'
           target_installation_result.resource_bundle_targets.each do |resource_bundle_target|
               resource_bundle_target.build_configurations.each do |config|
                   config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = 'NO'
                   config.build_settings['CODE_SIGN_STYLE'] = 'Manual'
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Some people have reported being denied in app review after doing this, while others report being approved without issues.

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