DEV Community

Andreas Bergström
Andreas Bergström

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JavaScript Performance Gotchas: Avoid scaling issues through under-the-hood knowledge

Optimizing JavaScript performance is crucial for creating fast, responsive web applications. While JavaScript engines have become increasingly efficient, it's still important for developers to understand common performance pitfalls. In this blog post, we'll explore and compare the performance implications of several JavaScript practices, helping you make informed decisions when writing your code.

This is especially important for Javascript code running on the server-side, where small performance issues will lead to large scaling issues for high-traffic services or endpoints.

Array manipulation: array.push vs. the spread operator (...)

When adding items to an array, both array.push and the spread operator can be used. However, their performance characteristics differ:

array.push: Directly modifies the original array and is generally faster, as it doesn't involve creating a new array.

Spread operator: Creates a new array, preserving the original array's immutability, but is generally slower due to the creation of a new array.

Verdict: Use array.push for better performance when you can modify the original array, and the spread operator when you want to maintain immutability or combine with other operations.

Looping through arrays: vs. for vs. forEach

Choosing the right loop construct for iterating through arrays can have a significant impact on performance: Designed for iterating over object properties, not arrays. Using for arrays can lead to unexpected results and performance issues, especially with large arrays or arrays with holes (sparse arrays).

for: A traditional loop that provides good performance and control over the iteration process.

forEach: A higher-order function that applies a callback to each element in the array, offering a more functional approach with slightly lower performance compared to the for loop.

Verdict: Use for or forEach loops for arrays instead of to avoid performance issues.

String concatenation: Using the + operator

Concatenating a large number of strings using the + operator can cause performance issues because it creates a new string for each concatenation. Instead, use the Array.prototype.join method, which is more efficient for concatenating multiple strings.

Verdict: Use Array.prototype.join for better performance when concatenating a large number of strings.

Variable scope: Excessive use of global variables

Accessing global variables is slower than accessing local variables due to the scope chain resolution process. Additionally, excessive use of global variables can lead to namespace pollution and unintended side effects.

Verdict: Limit the use of global variables and favor local variables for better performance and code maintainability.

Property access: Repeatedly accessing properties deep in an object

Accessing properties deep within an object can lead to performance issues when done repeatedly. Each property access involves a lookup that takes time, especially when traversing large objects.

Verdict: Cache deeply nested properties in local variables if you need to access them multiple times for improved performance.


Understanding the performance implications of various JavaScript practices is essential for writing efficient code. By being aware of these performance gotchas and using the appropriate techniques, you can significantly improve the performance of your web applications. Always remember to profile and optimize your code based on real-world data to achieve the best results.

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